I Trust You

Considering the sensitivity of their relationship, Luca decided to warn Sophia as they got ready for work that he would be meeting with Miss Marcaida that day. He refused to have any more misunderstandings.

It was their second day back after the long holiday and things were as busy as expected. 

The work was much busier than before. It sometimes felt like Sophia didn't have a moment to take a breather. The realization made her miss the bakery so much more than before.

As Luca tied his tie, he joined Sophia in the bathroom and looked at her through the mirror as she brushed her hair.

"My last meeting before lunch will be with Miss Marcaida," Luca said. "Then I want to have lunch together."

Sophia paused in her motions to get ready and a hint of shock appeared on her face but she wiped it away as she continued with her hair.

"Sure," she said, only acknowledging the last part.