The Light Goes Out

As they arrived at the front of Rachel's building, Luca leaned into the seat in front of him. 

One of his hands went to Sophia's shoulder and he gave it a light squeeze. 

"Please stay here," he said. "Gus will stay with you." 

However, Rachel had already opened the door, practically opening it into traffic but the oncoming car stopped in time. New Vistan drivers tended to be aggressive so they honked at her and shouted something out the window. 

She couldn't hear anything. Her feet only kept moving so she could rescue her omega. Someone was after her and it was her job to assure her safety and ensure that their bond remained strong. 

All Sophia could do was watch from her window as Luca and Rachel rushed into the building after the female alpha fumbled with her key card as she tried to get into the building. 

Rachel lived on the sixth floor with Carly.