Giving In

Sanity came back to Luca the moment he heard the voice of a beta. 

He had let his alpha life seep into his work and he was disappointed in himself, but that didn't stop him from lowering the small handgun from where it was pointed at Angelo who was in the back of the closet with one of his hands up and a sneer on his face. His other hand cupped his nether region, having been violently hit while he was fully erect wasn't something he wished to ever experience again. 

"This bastard assaulted my assistant," Luca snapped.

The older man stepped into the closet and saw Sophia who was cowering with a broomstick in her hands on the floor. Her clothing was soiled and her skirt around her hips was very telling of the situation she had just been in. 

"Good heavens, I didn't even realize," the manager said, horrified.

He looked around the space and saw towels on one of the shelves. He brought it to Sophia and allowed her to cover herself with it.