His Own Way of Mourning (Castle Bonus Chapter)

Luca practically ran into Gus as he escaped the scene. 

The way Serena was acting, he wondered if he was supposed to regret the decision he had just made. It was making him sick to be there. He wanted to leave quickly. 

Considering they were on a dock, Gus could only step aside as Luca brushed past him. 

Being the loyal driver that he was, he was on Luca's heel despite the man walking so quickly.

Gus could tell that Luca was emotional. Specifically about what, he wasn't so sure. 

Before they could make it to the car in the dim light of the moon, Gus put a hand on Luca's shoulder and turned him around. The alpha allowed himself to be controlled far more easily than Gus had expected. 

"Luca," Gus spoke gently when he had the man's cold eyes on him. "She's right. You shouldn't have had to do that–"