Happy Birthday, Sophia

Since Luca had settled into his position as CEO of Falcone Investments and Holdings, it was time he rearranged the office and made it look more professional and light. The way his father had it organized before had him facing away from the window when he was at his desk. 

With the city backdrop and dark curtains, Vince likely gave the imposing impression of some kind of dictator. However, Luca promised changes in the company and he had to start with himself first. 

With his office actually under construction, he could take a few days off.

He chose to be out of office from March 25-27 because Sophia's birthday was on the 25th. On the 24th, he dipped out of the office early, only taking a half day to make sure his plans for Sophia went on without a hitch.

Because of his schedule, he could not take Sophia away on a lavish vacation the way he wanted, but he could at least give her a change of scenery for the night.