Enjoying the View <R18>

Sophia directed him to sit sideways so it would be easier for her.

With one leg on the bench of the car, his leg so long he had to bend it, Sophia made a home between his knees and began sucking on his length, going down as far as she could. Luckily, the alcohol had made her gag reflex much weaker. 

"Oh my god, Sophia," Luca gasped from behind his palm. 

She was completely relentless, bobbing her head and hands simultaneously so there was never a moment he wasn't feeling some sort of sensation. 

Knowing Luca well enough, she could tell when he was getting close. His knot was only small but it still made her proud that she could cause him to knot even when he wasn't inside of her with her pheromones alone. 

"Stop," Luca whispered. "I don't want you to swallow it." 

Except she kept pushing the limits.