
Sophia not attending dinner was no surprise to Rachel or Ethan who made themselves available all evening in case she wanted to seek either one of them out. 

They settled into the main areas of the penthouse so they could keep her company if she decided to come down, but as the hours dragged on and there was no sign of the omega, the two of them decided it was best to call it a night. 

Occupied with their own tasks, they hadn't been talking to one another but when Ethan awkwardly excused himself first, all Rachel could do was bid him a quiet goodnight and watch him as he left. She was still at a loss of what to say to him to make their situation better. 

She already felt like garbage for betraying her late wife in such a way just because of her rut. It only made it worse that it seemed Ethan thought she was just as awful for how she must have behaved when she was in that state of mind.