Their Game Continues

The same window that Rachel fell asleep looking out of, woke her up the next day. 

It had been a long time since she didn't wake up early for one of Ethan's workouts. 

She lightly yawned and rubbed one of her eyes. The smell of his pheromones were still in the air. Sophia's were there as well but they didn't affect her the way Ethan's did because she was bonded to Luca. It was always so interesting to her how it worked. One moment an omega's scent could be attractive, the next it could stop. It was entirely within the hands of the alphas - something that never felt very fair. 

Expecting him to be long gone, she stretched out her legs and started to roll over but she wasn't expecting to be met with a hard body so close to hers. 

The one she interrupted groaned in his sleep and his arm went around her low on her waist as he got back into a comfortable position.