The Visit

By evening, the four had packed their things to go to another impermanent home.

For people who had established lives in New Vista, getting used to living out of a suitcase was hard.

Sophia, in particular, hoped the instability would end soon and she could find stability once again. Deep down she knew it depended entirely on when she could live with Luca again. It wasn't until they were separated that she realized he had become her stability.

The bakery used to be her grounding point but since it was taken from her, Luca became that. She had warned herself from the beginning that it wasn't good to rely on someone who had such a different life than she did.

Before she knew it, he had consumed her life entirely. She even let him bond with her. It all felt so cruel and she was tired of feeling like her life was out of her control.

While the drive had been nearly three hours, the flight was less than an hour.