Wait For Me

It had hurt so badly to be left behind by Luca even though he did it for her sake. 

The moment Sophia's name left his lips, she couldn't hold back the floodgates. Her entire body responded to his voice and she leaned into the table as tears escaped her eyes. 

Not knowing what else to do, the alpha leaned forward as well. His arms reached forward on the metal tabletop, but it was so long that he couldn't come near her who also reached out to him. 

"I'm so sorry," he managed to say.

He could tell she lost weight and her skin seemed dull. The bond that protected her while he was behind bars was hurting her just as much.

The sight of Sophia crumbling in his presence made him feel awful. He knew he hadn't seen her before he turned himself in because she could have talked him out of it. There was a high chance he would have fled if he let her influence his decision at all.

Only seeing her while he was in jail made it so there was no turning back.