Against Tradition

Even though the sun wasn't high in the sky, Sophia rolled to her side and got up. 

Her back always felt better first thing in the morning but as the days went on, it hurt worse and worse by the end of each day. Because of this, she opened the bakery earlier in hopes that the goods would sell before her back ached too much. 

Unlike every other morning, Sophia felt a hand on her lower back and she turned to see a disheveled Luca wondering where she was going. 

"It's early," he said, his voice full of exhaustion. 

"I have a bakery to run," Sophia said with a sly smile on her face. "Stay here and rest." 

Luca knew Rassenia was safe and Sophia most likely went to work each day just like that but he wondered what sort of alpha he would be to let his omega go by herself. He was finally there. He didn't have a job or other obligations except for her.