Reconnecting <R18>

"Are you ready?" Luca asked. "Are you sure?" 

Each question was uttered between kisses.

Despite his caution, he was already pulling Sophia's clothing off and she was doing the same to him. 

"Would I be doing this if I wasn't?" Sophia asked. "I know how to say no."

Her words were certain but she was worried about the fact that her stomach had stretch marks underneath her belly button. She knew she hadn't lost all the weight from her pregnancy. Her arms and legs remained the same but she knew her midsection was different. 

However, as Luca led Sophia to the bed once all their clothing was in a heap on the floor, he looked down at his wife's body and licked his lips like a starved predator. 

Sophia scooted backward on the bed and Luca followed her, placing himself over her.

"Oh my god," he muttered. "They got bigger." 

She didn't know what he was referring to until he lowered himself further and his hands went to her breasts.