Marking You Mine

The next morning I wake up to sunbeams blasting my eyes into oblivion, the sun is brutal this morning. I head downstairs to grab some coffee to start my day, I have to meet with Gio in awhile and I'm extra tired for some reason. I drink my coffee as I hear Sofia make her way into the kitchen "Good morning dear!" I hear as I return the greeting.

Gulping down the rest of my coffee I groggily get up from the stool, grab an apple and head to get dressed. "It's a cami, t-shirt and leggings kinda day" I mumble to myself, taking a bite from my now polished apple. Au natural look today, I'm just too tired to do even a light look, hell I even just throw my hair into a bun. I take a look at myself in the mirror and sigh.

I meet Dom down in the corridor as he wants to see me before Vinny takes me to Gio.

"Remember Amorè, if you need me call me. My number is already saved!" Dom says as he's handing me a new phone.

"I don't even wanna know how much you paid for this Domenico!" I protest while shaking my head at him. He just smirks at me and places a kiss on my forehead. He tells me he's got a busy day but that he'll see me tonight and that Vinny will be escorting me, that Vinny should be here soon.

He heads out of the door quickly after and I'm left bored for next while. I wander around for a bit and eventually hear Vinny calling my name. He opens the door as I make my way in the back, we pull off and head down the driveway.

Shortly after we take off I shoot Dom a text "Wish me luck I'll need it!" After a few moments I get a reply from him "You got this little dove!" I smile and leave it at that. It takes us nearly an hour before we pull up to an old looking farmhouse building. We're most definitely in bfe. Vinny opens the door and escorts me inside a side door where a short stocky man is there waiting for us.

"Ahh my main man Vinny, how ya doin' old friend?" The man says as he pulls Vinny into a tight squeeze, as he turns to me and eyes me, sending an awkward feel through my body. "And you must be Coraline, The boss's newest hitter!" He says to me. I burrow my brows at him with a smile as I say "Hi, and yup that's me, but I'm not sure what you mean though" chuckling to avoid showing my ignorance to what the hell he's talking about.

Vinny chimes in laughing and says "She's the boss's new girl, no honey pot you fool!" The man laughs and suggests we get started, "So Coraline, you have any experience with guns?" He says while moving his arms out over the display of more guns I've ever seen. Filled with anxiety I just shake my head no.

"That's okay were going to start with the basics of self defense anyhow! I have a mat set up over and we can get the basics covered today."

That makes me feel a bit better although wrestling with a man definitely on my top do list but I say here goes nothing to pump myself up.

For the next three hours Vinny gets to watch me look like a dumbass over and over again "Thank God Dom is not here to witness this fuckery" I say out loud to the both of them. They both laugh and give me half assed reassurance. Although Gio does tell me he hasn't failed yet and he'll make a bad ass of me sooner or later.

We say our farewells and head out but after Vinny seats me in the car he talks to Gio privately for a moment while handing him something and getting in the driver's seat. I wonder what it could be but I forget almost immediately as I get a text from Dom. "I'll be home about six, hope you didn't kick Gio's ass too bad he's on our side" with laughing emojis.

I laugh and send him a selfie of me looking a whole mess with the caption "This messy look should be from you!" I add a devilish smile emoji for good measures. All he responds with is "That ass is mine when I get home!" I flutter at the thought, electricity shooting right down to my lady bits that cause me swallow hard and shift in place.

When I get back to the house I race right upstairs to take a quick shower and put on my new lingerie. With a silk robe covering it, I head down to grab some dinner and to send Sofia home early. I eat quickly and grab a bottle of champagne, two glasses and head upstairs to await the boss.

It's nearing six, I'm tipsy and painfully waiting for Dom to return home. Shortly after I hear heavy footsteps heading up as I take the robe off and pose for him as he comes in. As he opens the door and takes his first stride in I gasp. He's got some kind of whip thing in his hand, it's short, white and has gold tassels on the end.

I sit up as he sits down on the bed, he places the strange object onto my lap as I pick it up and examine it, while I refill the glasses. He takes a drink and says "It's called a flogger, I'd like to use this on you tonight, if you're okay with that?" I give him a strange look as I don't even know what this thing is used for, I ask him "How do you use it?... is it going to hurt?" He takes it back before answering "Yes, but when done properly it's more of a... A pleasurable pain. See watch"

He grabs my hand and presses my palm flat, he flicks the tassels to land on my palm, enough to to cause a slight stinging but not enough to hurt. "Not so bad Amorè, this will bring both of us pleasure while teaching you to raise your pain tolerance!" Dom finishes.

I look at him and say "No, not so bad.. Where do you use it at?" He gives me a sly smile before answering "Some people like to use it on the ass, others prefer the chest, some even prefer it on the pussy..." he trails off finally paying mind to what I'm wearing. I take a big drink of my champagne before looking at him and asking him "What's your preference Domenico?"

Before he answers he uses his hand to lay me back, Really taking me in. "My preference would be... Using this all over you, marking you mine." He growls as he takes his fingers and traces along the top of my panties.

I'm taken aback as my mind quickly races, I've had very little to none exposure to kink, I've of course heard of a few things but nothing too wild. Dom would never hurt me, I think to myself. Not wanting to drag this on I nod my head in acceptance.

"Good girl, now before I will do or use anything I will get explain, I would never step out of your limits!" Dom says.

He goes into a bit more into everything, Telling me to say red if I'm ever uncomfortable or at my limit. I absorb everything he says to me as I gulp down the rest of my champagne. I feel so safe with this man, regardless of how his reputation portrays him! Dom stands up and tells me to turn over, I do as I'm told. He extends my arms and legs to where they align towards the corners of the bed.

My heart is racing as this is something new, and if you're human, it's obviously a given for your heart to race. While lost in my head I'm shaken out of it as I feel a land and a slight stinging sensation on my ass. I yelp softly in response.

I feel another land on the back of my thigh, a bit harder than the last but still not too painful, I feel his fingers trace up my left leg nearing my lady bits. I let out a soft sigh, he leans over me gripping my hair gently pulling closer and whispers in my ear "I told you, I'm a man of my word, That ass is mine tonight!" Before releasing me gently and placing another land to my backside.