All the reasons not to apologise to Tony so called COUSIN came flooding into Lily's head, as if her body chemistry just sent them a blanket invitation...., A muscle twitched involuntarily at the corner of her right eye, her mouth forming a rigid grimace as she caught sight of her in the dinning gnashing a plate of rice..., with her favourite plate, she have nerves...
With butterflies in her stomach and head buzzling with thoughts, she approached her....
Her stomach churned from irritation when their eyes met, Tony better pray she's his cousin.., else.. somebody is going to pay a dirty price.....
"Hey..."Her voice rumbled low than she expected....
"Hey..."She returned clumsily
Lily suck on her teeth, her furrowed brows glistening with sweat..."Am sorry..."She said..
"Okay..!"Lily reiterated..
"I mean it's fine, i understand why you did it..."
Lily swallowed..."I didn't mean to..., i was..
"It's fine..."She cut in...."I would have probably done same if i were you..."
Lily huff..."My husband didn't tell you'll be coming..."
"Even i didn't know i will be coming..."She wisp out a light laughter..."I was just around the block, i called him and he said he was home, so i decided to drop by..."
"But am still surprise, how come you didn't recognize me, i catched your flower on your wedding day.."
"You did..."She stated awkwardly
"I did.."
"I didn't know that.."
"Does any bride takes note of that..?"
She burst into laughter and Lily pretended to join in the laughter despite not finding it funny.....
"You said something.."She said
Lily gritted..."What..?"
"You said Tony is not having sex with you..."
Oh she said that..."That came out wrong.., it's just a little misunderstanding, you know, we married people..." she chuckle
"But you sounded serious..."
Lily felt her stomach aching..."It's nothing.."
"Are you sure, because if it is i can talk to him.."
Lily tossed a strap of her hair from the corner of her eyes, the last thing she wants is someone prying into their private issues...., especially the COUSINS..and INLAWS...."Trust me it's nothing.."
"Okay.."She replied with nibbed lips and focus on her food...
"So you saying she asked you to leave because she caught you smoking weed..."Daisy ask
Daisy suck in before saying.."I don't believe you.."
"It's the truth Daisy..."
"Noone throws Noone out because they caught them smoking weed..."
"My sister did."
"You're lying.."
"My sister, she detest smokers.., they disgust her..."
"Can you just say the truth..."Daisy blare out
"That's the truth.., what other truth do you want me to say..."
She wonder why she wants to believe badly he was caught f**king another girl..., she shook her head trying to wave the thought away before it swirled into a vortex of stupidity...
"Can i come in now...?"
She folded her arms across her chest, her eyes staring at him, head buzzling with contradictory thoughts...
"Can i..?"
"When are you leaving...?"She queried
"Jesus Daisy.., i told you i will leave.."
"When i find a place of my own.."
"And when will that be..?"
"I have a job Daisy..."
"Do you..., i thought since your sister threw you out of her house, she threw you out of your job.."
"Don't do this Daisy..."
"Don't do what..?"
She rolled her eyes...."Two days..."She stated.."That's how long you're staying.."
"Okay..."He shrugged
She drew in a deep breathe wondering if she made the right decision or not..
"Can you step out of the way...?"
She hesitated before stepping aside reluctantly
Cold sweat glistened on Janet furrowed brow. With hands clasped tightly in front of her stomach, she constantly fiddled with her knuckles, weaving her fingers in and out of each other..., Her perfectly manicured hand rested on the wall of the room, the peeling white paint clinging to her clothes as she rested on the sagging wallpaper. She turned to Barry, Bad idea..., one glance will only remind of her of how angry she is towards him..
"You're beautiful..."Barry said, his eyes fused on her...
She turn her gaze to him.., sure she knows she's beautiful, she don't need to be reminded by him again and again....
"Can i sleep here tonight..?"
Her eyes widened..."What..!,hell no Barry..."
She suck on her teeth..."You can't"
"I won't have sex with you..."
She almost hissed at his witty statement..."It's not about sex.."
"Then what is it about..?"
"I love my space.."
"I thought am your space. "
She grunted...."You can't sleep here Barry.."
"Why..?"He ask reclining his head on the pillow....
She bit her lips in irritation..."There's no why, you can't just sleep here.."
"Can't a guy sleep over at his girlfriend house..?"
She swallowed, she just wasn't ready for an argument...."I told you Barry, i love my space..."
"What am i...?"
God, she hate him.., why can't guys just get the memo....
"Are you expecting someone else....?"
"Am not expecting anyone.."She snapped
"Then why are you chasing me away...?"
"Am not chasing you away, am simply saying you can't pass the night here..."
"I told you i won't have sex with you..."
"Oh.., you really expect me to believe that..?"
He raise his hip to sit up..."Why do girls think whenever a guy ask for a sleep over, is for sex..?"
"And why would a guy wants to sleep at his girlfriend place, don't he have a house..."
"Because she's his girlfriend.."
"Girlfriend, not wife..."she fling back...
"Am not sleeping over because of sex, i can control myself..."
She gritted..., this is her house, she decides who sleep and who doesn't...."Can you.., so you will look away when i strip and lay on the bed n*ked...."
He lick his lips..."Why would you do that...?"
"That's how i sleep..."She fling back..
"Seriously, you sleep n*ked.."
"I do..."
A swoon washed over him but he didn't say a word, the thought of her sleeping n*ked by his side sent chills to his dick..."Then we will sleep n*ked together...."
She wisp out a low hiss..."You're a pervert.."
"Doesn't mean we'll have sex...."He said with shrugged shoulders
Brows furrowed, she look away, then at him again..."Don't i have the right to decide who sleeps in my bed...?"
"Your bed..!"
"My room.."she snapped
"Not when he's your boyfriend..."
Exasperation went bleak on her face..."Please Barry, don't do this..."
"Am only asking to spend a night at my girlfriend's house, is that too much to ask..."
"Look closely Barry, this is a one room apartment, i really do not need your shit tonight.."
"My shit..!"
"Yeah, boys shit.., you may not want to have sex but that thing will..."
"What thing..?"
She suck her teeth, irritation slicing across her face..."You know damn well what am talking about..."
A sly smile surround his lips..."I can control it..."
"When you're all hard..., please say that to someone else..."
"I get hard when i want to..."
Fed up, she boom out.."You can't sleep here...."
He sigh, more of rejection...."Janet, i love you and you're hurting me with this.."
"And you think am not...?"
He nib his lips..."You're the one chasing me..."
"You think your persistent night calls don't hurt me, you think my boyfriend not affording a day time airtime don't hurt me...?"
"Baby you know am saving up.."
"Saving for what...?"She blare out infuriated
"For our wedding...."
She exhale, then inhale and try hard to calm herself from the anger threatening to devour her from inside...."Barry stop..."
"Stop what.., stop saving.."
"Stop using saving as an excuse for your tight parsimony .."
"Am not doing that, am saving for the future, our future..."
"I never asked you to do that..."
"Janet, i love you and i want to marry you..."
"You're too...."She fold her palm as the word choke in her mouth..
"Am too what...?"
She blink before saying..."Stingy..., you're the worse meager I've ever seen, and if you don't stop, you'll end up poor.."
"So you calling me a poor man huh...?"Barry queried, voice hitched in repugnance..
"Oh here we go again..."
Daisy dropped the book she was pretending to read from her face to steal a glance at his nude body when he stepped out of the bathroom..., her eyes caught his dick..., black, semi-hard.., she took a deep breathe thinking why he's always hard.., why his body always look good and difficult to resist...
She turn her eyes away not wanting to look his way until he slid his boxers in only to return her gaze to him when he creep into the bed with her....
"You can't sleep here Matthew..."She said covering her eyes with the book to avoid drooling mouth-opened at his biceps and hot body...
She almost bit her lips when he remove the book from her hand and toss it on the floor..
"Why...?"He queried
"What do you mean why...?"She fling back sitting up to avoid contact with his eyes...."You're an unwanted guest here and as such is not allowed to lay in my bed or even step into my room..."
He grumble..."Then where am i supposed to sleep..."
"Where you slept lastnight..."
"Am not laying on the couch tonight...."
"You can't lay here either, so you either choose, the couch or outside this house..."
She watched him fumbled his nose without saying a word.., he wasn't cute in any peculiar way like most boys, infact the word 'handsome' shouldn't apply to him but damn, he has a body of a god, the kind of body that can melt any girl to ice...
"Fine.."he stated brusquely
"Yeah fine, now get your things and leave my room..."
He stood up, grab a pillow and left the room...
She took a deep breathe and collaspe her back back on the bed, supporting her head with the other pillow, she pick up the novel only to re-drop it.., why can't she get him off her mind....
She sit up again when he re-entered the room
"F**k it, i want you..."He pouted touching the inners of his boxers...
"You must be crazy..."She chided...
"I know you want it..."He said sliding down his boxers so she can take a view of his throbbing semi erect dick....
Frown lines encroached on her face.., damn, she hated his guts and she hates herself for falling stupid at the sight of his dick...
"Am not sleeping with you.."
"You always sleep with me..."He pout crunching on the bed, crawling to her side...
She should have jumped from the bed but she didn't, the heat lingering inside her pants couldn't let her..., he f**ks her so good that she tends to yearn for more of him whenever she sees his black big dick.... , what's wrong in having another evening of hot sex....
"I can't do this..."She snapped with pant breathe...
Her words didn't stop him, he prompt forward, the heat of their body engulfing them..
She wanted to resist him, damn she couldn't, the evening was too cold to refuse such a hot body..., she moan when he grabbed her hand allowing it roam on his chest, his bicep..,God he was a pervert, her pervert..
Her heart melted when he wrap her hand on his throbbing dick, a sudden heat rush through her and she yearned for his touch...
Matthew kissed her neck and start to move down kissing all the way down to her collar bones...., he sure knows how to torture her, make her yearn for him...
With his cock still raging hard in her hand, he pull her gown up and slid his hands in her lacy panties...
"Matt.., please stop.."She moaned
He pout his lips then he shush her putting a finger across her mouth..."Enjoy the moment..."He coos before laying her on the bed...
He pull off her panties with his teeth. He then start to work his way up her legs, starting with kissing her feet and slowly licking up her legs, he bit and kiss her inner thigh and then reach her clit and gave it a slight kiss ...
He suck on her clit harder and slowly insert his finger into her already soaking wet vagina.., she gasp grabbing the bedsheet.....
She moaned into the bed after he gave her a break from finger f**king her, her rest was short lived when his hand once again spread her legs and she felt the massive head of his dick poke its way into her vagina.. Ahhh!
Matthew paused, she could feel the head throbbing, pulsating as it stretched her with each beat. She don't give her pussy away to everyone and Matthew certainly had no right to just take it but before she could protest, he forced the rest of his giant dick into her pussy with no hesitation until he was balls deep. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she moaned, groaned from deep within her throat....
She pumped and grind until she felt the tell-tale signs she was about to cum so she put his hand on her tit and encouraged him to squeeze her nipple. He slid his other hand underneath and around her body to her still throbbing clit and flicked it, sliding another of his finger between her wet lips.., And that was it. That was the signal to every nerve in her body to begin firing. Her body quivered and shook violently, she looked like she was convulsing. She couldn't control it and Matthew knew it...damn it..
He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. He took over pumping. His moves were short and slow. He caught each wave, prolonging her orgasm with each thrust.
Never have aftershocks lasted so long. Somehow Matthew knew how to keep them going until he was ready for them to stop....
Matthew leaned back and she began grinding, feeling the ridge of his fat head rubbing her squishy g-spot as she moved forward and backward, rubbing her clit and his mound.....
He's even more sexy then she imagined, she thought as she leaned in to kiss him, to feel his soft lips pressed up against hers. The heat of his breath on her skin was orgasmic. Looking deep into his eyes she grind slowly, enjoying every inch of him — the feel of his body, the smell of his skin....
Matthew flipped her on to her back and went deep between her legs. Her greedy pussy opened wide and sucked him in deep, her walls squeezed him as he filled her up from the bottom to the top, balls slapping her with each thrust....
She hated to admit it but Matthew again had the upper hand, why does he always do that and why does she always fall hard for his temptation...., she gasp when the scruff of his beard tickled her soft skin as he nibbled her ear.....
he lifted her body off the bed and stroked her elevated ass, the weightless f**k was amazing. As she was recording the feeling in her memory, she felt the muscles in Matthew's body tighten and she knew he was ready to cum.
He straddled her belly, leaving his dick staring at her, bobbing from side to side, begging for attention. She was more that happy to oblige stroking him until he came. With one hand on his balls and the other on his thick shaft, Matthew released his milky cum to her, in her hair and on her belly...and just then she realized she had allowed him again...,she once again prove she have no power over him....., it reminds her it's a man's world...
Matthew rolled into the bed, stuffing for breathe...."God, you're amazing..."
When Daisy walked into the room after taking a stroll to the market to buy some foodstuffs, she found him sleeping on the bed, still n*ked, his dick limp... she didn't want to disturb him, she went into the kitchen instead...
Her mind brood over the sex they had earlier, God why was she so stupid, earlier she thought she was bold when she told him she never wanted to see him until he became his own man rather than his sister handbag.., perhaps it was good thing his sister threw him out, but she know Matthew too well, he will just go pleading in his knees, asking for his sister's forgiveness...
She stepped back into the room, and threw the change on the table, she wanted to step into the bathroom to pee when Matthew phone rang..., she ignored it at first, but when it continued ringing, curiosity whispered to her prompting her towards the phone..
"Paul.."She called out the callers name..., she sigh and curse herself when she realise she doesn't even know any of his friends...except Uche of course, his buddy who always covers his ass..
She dropped the phone back, ignoring the call and scurried off into the bathroom..., coming out a few seconds after reliving herself...
The phone rang again, her eyes darted to Matthew wondering why the loud annoying ringtone isn't waking him up..., that's right, he takes a good rest after f**king the hell of her body...
Slightly infuriated with the disturb, she pick the phone to answer the call... , she hesitated a bit before touching the answer button...
"Hello hottie..."A female voice rumbled from the other end...
Shock swept across Daisy's face, she stare at the caller name wondering if she made a mistake.., the name was paul, a man's name with a female voice...
"Hellooo..."The callers voice came again....."Did i ride you that hard that you're so tired to answer your calls..., i will love to ride that big dick of yours again..."
There was silence, then the callers voice came again....
"OK i just called to tell you you forgot your boxers in my house..., hello...hello.."
The call beep, then it ended...
Brows furrowed, Daisy glare at him....."You cheating conniving, moronic, low-witted bastard.."