28. The brute is getting remarried

"Welcome to suplex city baby..."Simon stated as he walked into his house...

"What are you, Brocklesnar..?"Daisy said wowing at the awesome beauty of the house....

"You can call me that again..."Simon coos, a smile playing on his lips..

"Wow, your house is beautiful..."Daisy said mouth still slack-jawed at the building...

"Thank you.."Simon replied crisply

After a thorough look at the house, Daisy helped herself to a chair...

"So what will you take..?"Simon asked heading towards the fridge..."I have fruit juice, wine, beer...."

"I'll go with the fruit juice.."Daisy chimes in...

She exhale thinking her fearful thoughts will dislodge themselves but they didn't, instead they suffocated her with their whispers, her heart beating irregularly with the thought that the two Simons could be the same person....

"Here you go..."Simon said handling her a glass of fruit juice, dropping the juice pack beside her....

"Thank you.."Daisy mutter taking the glass to take a sip....

"I was scared you weren't going to show up..."Simon said sitting beside her..

Once again, Daisy's head brood over Tabetha's words, the words trundled through her brain like a through train with no stop.., she tried to take control, thought she was in control but fate took a new turn as the words stirred into a vortex of unwelcome and unprecedented fear...

"Why would you think that?"She asked with an almost quivering lips before dropping the glass of fruit juice on the tray...

"You didn't answer my call..."

"I did.."

"Not and the first and second time..."

Daisy huffs...."I wasn't with the phone..."

"Where you with him...?"

"With who...?"

He relaxed his nerves before saying..."The guy from last night..."

"No, i wasn't with him..."

"Okay..."He nibbed and continue..."How much did you say he paid for the rent...?"


"Why don't you get a new apartment....?"

"Money gets you a new apartment..."Daisy riposte taking the glass of juice again...

"I can pay..."

Daisy poke her eyes at him before a sly smile circled her lips...."Am not leaving my apartment for him..."

"And he's not leaving either and am not comfortable with him staying with you..."

"Now you're getting serious..."

"I thought we're getting serious...."

Daisy exhale and remembered Tabetha's words again...."I don't really know you Simon..."

"Ask me whatever you want to know about me.."

"Tell me about your love life...."Daisy said impetuously

"My love life...?"

Daisy suck on her teeth not sure if the question came out the right way..."I mean the women you've dated and why you broke up with them..?"

"Where do you want me to start, from secondary school....?"

Daisy almost hissed at his flimsy reply..."Am serious Simon..."

"I know..."He said, a smile accompanying his words..."I just don't know where to start.."

"Seriously, are they that many...?"

"No..., I've only dated a few girls, i think five to be precise..."


The smile still thick on his face, he said..."I was only serious with five, the rest turned out to be gold-diggers..."

"Hmm, you sound like you sit on a lot of money..."

"I do sit on a lot of money..."

Daisy rolled her eyes...."So why did you break up with the serious five...?"

"That was a long time ago Daisy...."He mutter

Daisy exhale wondering how she will ask him about Rita, if he's the Simon Tabetha talked about, he'll be suspicious if she goes straight to the point....

"I want to know...."Daisy said..."You said i can ask anything about you, am asking this.., what led to the breakups...?"

"They cheated.."He said

Daisy grunt, not really the reply she was expecting..."So the five of them cheated...?"

He shrugged..."Mm-hmm.."

"Did you love them...?"She asked grabbing the glass to take another sip

He stood up from the chair, took a few steps towards the door and rest his back on the wall...."I did..."

"You know the men they cheated on you with...?"Daisy asked curiously

"Yeah, i knew the first three.., the first girl i was serious with, she slept with my friend in his office, i caught them red handed..., the second was gay...."

"A lesbian...?"Daisy cut in..

"Yes.., i caught her in bed with her girlfriend.."

"That explains the hateful speeches..."Daisy crowled

"What hateful speech...?"

"Seriously, you need me to remind you what you said to Tony, Lily's gay husband....?"

"Homosexuality is wrong..."

"Okay..., just ride on with the reasons..."Daisy replied sharply not wanting to delve from the main discussion

"The third girl, she slept with my gateman..."

"Gateman...!"Daisy reiterated in revulsion....

"Her reasons were, he's bigger than me, so she was tempted and she blamed the devil for cheating...."

"Wait..!"Daisy purred almost at the verge of laughing...."She said the gateman is bigger than you...?"

"Do i have to say it...?"

"His dick is bigger than yours..."Daisy blare out before letting the laughter out....

"Now that's the reason i don't like discussing about my love life..."Simon slurred walking back to sit on the chair..

"Forgive me..."Daisy said amidst laughter...."It's really funny..., many girls cheat on their man because of the size of the other guy's dick...."

"Isn't that what women want, a big dick that can push the womb to the chest..."

Daisy burst into laughter again ....

Simom slithered a flat smirk through crooked lips before chiming into Daisy's rumbling laughter..."You know that's the truth..., ask many girls what they want their dream man to look like, a big dick is always a necessity...."

"Yeahh..."Daisy coos bringing her laughter under control..."And do you blame these girls, everyone wants her guy to be a hero in bed..."

"Yeah, a guy who can pound her like a fùcking machine..."

Daisy chuckle...."Not all girls are like that..."

"99% of girls will choose big dick over anything..."

"Not over money...."Daisy chimes in...."And certainly not over a good man.."

"I was good but she chose to bang my gateman..."

"Look Simon, am really sorry about that, she banged your gateman because she didn't know your worth, she didn't deserve you, i guess she never understood you..."

A smile played on his lips..."I guess so too..."

"So what about the fourth...?"Daisy asked adjusting herself on the chair...

He hesitated and she thought just maybe the fourth girl could be Rita..., what if it's Rita, it will only confirm Tabetha's words and her suspicions, either Matthew killed her or Simon did, or Simon knew Matthew did and he's getting back at him using her.....

"She left me..."He said crisply

Daisy's heart hammered against her chest making her quickly ask..."Did she die...?"

"No.., she just left..."

"Left.., i don't get you, she ran away with another guy...?"

"I don't really like talking about what happened with her Daisy, so can we just skip her for the fifth...?"

Daisy didn't want to, she wanted to know if the fourth girl was Rita...

"Please..."He mutter

Daisy took a deep breathe to calm her panic before speaking...."Okay..."

"The fifth girl, i left her when i realise i didn't like her..."

"You said they all cheated.."

"I don't know if she cheated, i just didn't like her, she was been forced on me..., i couldn't take it so i asked her to find another man..."

"Who was forcing her on you...?"Daisy asked curiously

"My mum..."

Daisy flinch....."Do mums still do that..?"

"Some still do...."

Daisy didn't reply, when Tabetha's words hit her head again, she took the glass and stuff down the remaining fruit juice...

"Okay, that's enough about me, i want to know about you....."

"Trust me, there is nothing fancy to know about me.."She said

"There's always something to know about someone..."

"You want to know the guys I've dated..?"

"No.., who you've dated is really not my concern Daisy, my concern is the present, your past is your past, it should remain in the past.."

"What if my past is shady, dirty....."

"Everyone has a dirty past Daisy..., nobody is perfect..."

"Wow, look at you, sounding like a gentleman..."

He giggled..."Am not gentle at all, i get provoked like every other person, i just react differently...."

"Like in a nice differently...?"

"In a gentle differently, i don't like fights, and i detest quarrels..., i believe in settling my issues that moment and the same place the fire lit..."

"What if you marry a nagging wife, won't you want to raise your hand on her one day...?"

"Daisy..."He stated calmly..."Am the son of my father, my father is a calm person, so am i..."

"Mm-hmm..., why do i feel like you telling me all this so i could think I've met an angel who infact, is the devil himself..."

He suddenly burst into laughter, his delightful laugh slicing into the tension in the air...

"Judge for yourself Daisy..."He said ceasing his laughter...."I want to be serious with you, which is why i want you to meet my parent...."

Daisy heart jumped with shock..."Your parent, why would i want to meet your parent..?"

He walk closer to her and sat beside her..."I want my parent to know the girl am seeing..."

"We aren't getting married Simon...."

"We might, someday..."

"Okay Simon, we need to take it slow okay, i just came out from a bad relationship, i don't want to jump into another one so soon.."

"Am not that guy..."Simon said

"Everyone claims they're better than their partner's ex..."Daisy riposte

"Am not claiming..., am simply telling you am not that guy...., am different and if you don't want to date me, it's fine.. , it's completely okay..."

"Do you love me Simon...?"She asked curiously

"I do, been crazy about you since our first encounter.."

"In the toilet..?"

"No, at your friend's place.., my mistake, our second encounter..."

"You don't know me.."Daisy said before pouring another glass full of fruit juice...

He exhale..."I know you're a good person..."

Daisy scoffs..."A good person is overrated...."

"You care for people..."He continue...."That goodness in you is what everyman wants in a woman and fùck any man who can't see that..."

Daisy's stomach tingled with butterflies...."Okay...."She said..."I'll think about going to see your parent..."

"Does that mean YES you'll date me...?"

Daisy suck on her teeth totally confused with the thought it could be the same Simon and he's just toying with her with his nice words...

"I didn't say that.., i just said i will think upon it if I'll go with you to see your parent..."

"Alright..."He said with his hands up..."The fact that you're considering it already make me happy..."



She sigh, more of not been comfortable with the two Simon thought....

"So was it just the rent he paid....?"Simon asked

"Yes.."Daisy replied sharply...."I bought the rest of the things with my hard earned money..."


Daisy drop the glass and stare at his expression...."What are you thinking...?"She asked suspicious of his facial expression

He nibbed.."Nothing.."

"You're thinking how i got the money to get the things in the house..."

"No.., how would you even ask me that.."

"Cos i know that's what you're thinking, you think am into banging and finance like most girls...."

"Banging and finance.., what's that..?"

"You know what i mean.."

"Seriously, i don't.."

"Girls that sleep with men to get money..."

"Huh..., it makes sense now, they bang men to finance themselves...banging and finance..."

"That's what you're thinking i did.."

"No Daisy.., i wasn't thinking anything and like i said, your past and whatever shit thing you did on it is not my concern, don't tell me if you aren't okay with it.., i won't ask either..."


"I was of the thought that i could pay him back his money..."

Daisy slack-jawed..."You have two hundred and twenty thousand naira to throw around...?"

"No..., but i could run some shit to get it before the end of the week..."

"What shit..?"

"Work shit.."

"Thank you Simon but i don't need your help, i don't want to owe another man..."

"I want to help..."

"And what will be on it for you.., sex..?"

"No, Daisy Jesus, is that what you think i want from you, i don't need sex okay, what i need from you is your love and attention...."

A swoon washed over her..."Why are you trying so hard to act like you're Jesus...."

"Because Daisy, some men can actually portray Jesus-like, not certainly like Jesus but good and kind and selfless like Jesus..."

"Mention one man who's good and kind and selfless as you just said..."

"Me.."He stated pointing at himself....."And many men out there.., not all men are demons and devil-like like women think...."

"Dear, the Jesus-like men hasn't been born..."

He chuckle..."Women need to stop thinking like that..."

"And men need to stop thinking women are gullible and worthy of heartbreaks...."

"Daisy, there are good men and bad men okay, just because a woman dates a bad one today doesn't mean the good one won't come tomorrow..."

Daisy scoff..."Not when the almighty good one is controlled by the thing dangling between his legs...."

"You just want to argue with me..."Simon teased walking back to sit on his chair..

"You know am telling the truth Simon..., there are no good men, like i said to you before, you get lucky with a less bad one..."

"So am a less bad one...?"

She lean in a smirk..."I didn't say that.."

He laughed and she join in the laughter....


The stairs ahead were twisted in a perfect spiral, like a child's slinky toy pulled from each end. Each stair was likely a deep walnut, but with the thick layer of undisturbed dust it was hard to tell, giving access to both floors, the stairs sweep ever upwards, It's smooth slightly rounded banister guided Daisy to the top floor....

She took a moment to take a breather before tracing the room number on the hotel room doors...

She sigh when she saw it, fitting her handbag in her left hand, she knocked on the room door which open a few seconds after....

"You said you were coming an hour ago..."Lily snapped before stepping aside for her to go in...

"Am sorry, i was stuck with Simon..."Daisy said

"You're always stuck with someone..."Janet chimes in dropping the rinds of oranges on the nylon....

"Who's Simon...?"Lily asked walking back to sit on the bed..."Your new catch...?"

"He is.."Janet replied before Daisy got the chance...

"Have you slept with him to confirm if he's gay..?"Lily sneer and both girls threw her an askance look...

"What..?"Lily snapped..."You may never know what these men are capable of....."

"He's not gay.."Daisy said dropping her bag....."How much are you paying for this room Lily...?"

"Seven thousand..."

"Seven thousand a night..?"Daisy reiterated


"That's way too much girl, i can't understand why you chose to move from Janet's place to a hotel..."

"He's the reason.."Lily said slightly irritated by the thought of him..


"Yes.., he already knows am staying at Janet's, i don't want him to come looking for me there again, he's bothering me and Janet.."

Daisy swallowed and sat on the only chair in the room..."You do know one day you'll have to talk to him..."

"Of course i will, i will tell him i had a real man to fùck me..."

Shock swept across both girls face...

"What..?"Daisy queried

"Lily.."Janet blare her name out..

"You fùcked another man..?"Daisy asked still shocked

"I did.."Lily sneer..."And i don't regret it.."

"Jesus, who was it..?"Janet asked

Lily lour her head..

"Lily, who was it..?"Daisy interject..

"I don't know.."

"You don't know.."Both girls hollered in unison..

"He was a total stranger okay.."

"You slept with a stranger...?"Janet asked shocked

"Lily please tell me you used a condom..."Daisy said with pulsating heart

"I didn't..."

"Oh Jesus..."Janet sass turning her face away...

"Lily..."Daisy mutter..."How could you fùck a strange guy without a condom.."

"I wanted it raw okay, i needed it to be real.."

"It was real..."Daisy blare out..."There was nothing that could have been real-er than that, a condom wouldn't have made it less real, what if you contacted diseases, HIV, AIDS, syphilis or whatever...."

"That's my problem..."Lily said impetuously...

"You did wrong Lily.."Daisy said

"Excuse me i need to get a drink.."Lily said jumping from the bed..

Daisy watch in surprise as Lily wore her slippers, opened the door and joggle downstairs...

"Can you believe this..?"Daisy said to Janet..."She slept with a total stranger without a condom..."

"This is your fault.."Janet chided..

"My fault, how in God's name is it my fault..?"

"If you had kept quiet about what you saw, none of this whole bullshit would have happened and now you stand there to judge her for her actions..."

"I wasn't judging her, i was simply saying she should have used a condom.."

"You should have kept your mouth shut..."Janet retorted

"And what kind of friend would i be...?"

"It's funny you're asking me that Daisy, haven't you notice, whenever you say something you shouldn't, someone ends up in the hospital and people get ruined, you told Laura her husband was cheating, Richard ended up in the hospital and Laura, she took off, only God knows what she's doing, and then you told Lily you saw her husband entering a hotel room and that boy Adam ended up in the hospital and Lily is devastated, so blame yourself she took a stupid decision"

Daisy snorted from annoyance..."You think I'm enjoying this, you think i loved been in the centre of this all...?"

"Then stop been so bitchy about things..., not everything you see you should say...."

"God, i can't believe you're saying this to me Janet.."

"Say what, the truth.., you need to know it so next time you'll think twice before spouting anything you saw or heard from your mouth..."

"Fine, i guess i won't say a damn thing when i see your man kissing another girl.."

"Please don't, better i witness it myself and have only myself to blame...."

"Fine.."Daisy stuttered as a single tear fell from her eyes.., she quickly wipe it off when the door open.....

"Lily I'm sorry i ruined your life..."Daisy said sniffing

Lily close the door and turn to face her with a bottle of beer in her hand..."What's this...?"

"Janet told me i ruin people's life when i say something i shouldn't say..."

"I meant it in a good way.."Janet cut in..

Lily sigh and drew closer to Daisy..."I don't blame you for what happened Daisy..., it was bound to happen and i for one is glad you told me he was at that hotel, if you hadn't told me, I'll still be begging him to have sex with me or by now who knows, would have probably cheated and it would have been on my conscience..."

"Still I'm sorry..."Daisy whimpered...

"Don't apologise and let's change this topic, it's ruining the atmosphere..., Daisy why don't you tell me about this new guy...Simon...?"

Daisy sigh, Tabetha's words ringing in her head once again..."Am confused.."She mutter..

"What happened..?"Lily asked

"Matthew's sister thinks Matthew killed somebody..."

"Matthew your boyfriend...?"Lily ask surprise

"He's not my boyfriend, i broke up with him, he's just staying at the house.."

"Who did he kill...?"Janet chimes in..

"A girl, his sister said he was dating her, then they broke up and the girl started dating this guy called Simon.."

"Your Simon..?"Lily asked curiously

"I don't know.."

"So Matthew killed her because she was seeing someone else...?"Janet ask

"That's what his sister thinks and it's bothering me it could be the same Simon..."

"It could just be the same name, different persons.."Janet said

"Did you ask him..?"Lily asked..."I mean your Simon.."

"I tried to, but i didn't even get a clue..., he told me he wants to be serious with me and wants me to go with him to see his parent..."

"Has he proposed...?"Janet jumped in...

Daisy ignored her question...."I don't know if i should go..."Daisy said instead...

"This Simon, do you have a pix of him, i want to see if he's cute.."Lily said

"Yeah, we took pictures today.."Daisy replied sliding over to her gallery in her phone....

"That's him.."She added handling to her...

"Simon..."Lily stated with a cringe at Daisy...

"Do you know him...?"

"I know him..."Lily said..."Wait, he didn't tell you who he is...?"


"He's chief Akinshola's only son..."

Shock swept across Daisy's face and she quickly took the phone from Lily to look at the picture again...."No, it can't be.."She mutter before Janet snatched the phone from her..

"He told me he works for chief Akinshola..."Daisy continue..."Said he's an accountant at Shola's enterprise..."

Lily scoff.."Accountant my foot, that boy owns the place..., he's the sole inheritant of all his father's properties..., he doesn't have money, he's money..."

Flutters flushed Daisy guts..."No, no..., i met him at chief Akinshola's birthday party, in the public toilet, why was he using the public toilet if he's his son...?"

"I don't know okay, i met him once with Tony at chief Akinshola's house..., and he was introduced as his only son.."Lily said

"Is true..."Janet cut in showing Daisy a picture of him and chief Akinshola and wife..."I search for it on google, these pictures were taken on chief Akinshola marriage anniversary..., that's Simon standing beside Chief Akinshola...."

"He didn't tell me..."Daisy said with pulsating heart..."He.., why didn't he tell me...?"

"I don't know girl, but if i were you, i will go see his damn parent.."Lily said.."This is a life changing opportunity for you Daisy, i will grab this opportunity with both my hands and legs, with Simon by your side, your financial crisis is over...., Matthew crises is over...."

"Oh my God....!"Janet shouted and they both shift their expression to her...

"You won't believe this...."Janet added showing them her phone...

Daisy eyes enlarged with shock as she read the headline aloud...."Set to wed..."

"Richard is getting remarried..."Lily blare out

"The brute is getting remarried and he's still married to Laura..."Daisy scowled with spite..

"You think Laura knows..?"Janet asked

"If she hasn't, she'll definitely see it Wherever she is.."Lily chided

"If he's getting remarried, why publicize it...?"Daisy queried

"That man is crazy...."Janet sneer

Daisy stood up from the chair to take a breather to calm her raging mind...."First Simon refusing to tell me who he is, and now Richard has come up with his nonsense...."

Lily giggled..."You may not pray for this, but when Laura returns, our story is just going to get more crazier..."

How far are these women willing to go to put a FULLSTOP to NONSENSE????