31. The Stranger She Fùcked

"How dare you come in here..?"Richard snarled at her, raw anger shooting through him....

A cruel taunting smile circled Laura's lips and she quickly deep the phone in her handbag before taking a breather to tame down her irritation....

"That isn't a way to welcome me.."She sass, a disparaging smile still playing on her lips...

"Delete those pictures.."Richard ordered, his eyes twitching with anger...

Laura frown, her resentment growing inside her like a tumour....."So this is the bitch...?"She queried reverting her gaze to the lady....

"I said delete those pictures..."Richard growled walking towards her not minding if the bedsheet fell from his waist rendering him naķed....

"Wow..."Laura sass..."Look whose dick got bigger...."

"I won't say it again..."Richard snarled with flaring nose...

"Don't bother dear, I already sent them out..."

"You did what..?"He queried

"I said I sent them out..."

"Why would you do that..?"The lady cut in..

Laura glare at her, her edge of irritation returning with the sound of the girl's voice....

"You wouldn't dare..."Richard scowled

She scoff before giving him a lopsided grin...."You know me too well Richard..."

"And you know me too well Laura..."He riposte, a mirthless smile accompanying his words..."You know what I'm capable of, so do yourself and your body a huge favour by deleting whatever pictures of us you have on that thing you call a phone..."

"How's your head...?"Laura asked ignoring his words..

"Do not push me Laura.."Richard riposte..

"Richard.."The lady chimes in..."Are you just going to stand there and jobble words with her..., take the goddamn phone from her..."

"Oh...!"Laura crowled...."The wife to be has spoken, so what are you going to do Richard, beat me if I don't give you the phone..?"


"Just shut up Caroline..."Richard yelled cutting the lady short

"Shut up..."Caroline returned stepping close to them, the bedsheet still wrapped around her body..."She just took pictures of our nudes and you ask me to shut up..."

"Yes shut up..."Richard hollered at her....

Laura rolled her eyes....

"Are you going to delete them now..?"Richard ask Laura....

Laura lips curled as she flick her eyes from Richard to Caroline and Caroline to Richard.....

"You two are fit for each other..."Laura sneer and was about walking out but Richard pushed her back....

"I'm trying so hard to keep my hands to myself, do not let me use them Laura, delete the damn photos..."Richard snarled...

"After you sign the divorce papers...."Laura ripsote, anger stirring within her....

Richard scoff..."Is that why you came back, so I could sign the divorce papers...?"

"You don't want to sign....?"

"Hell no I don't want to sign..."

"Fine..."Laura said, a look of bitterness sweeping through her..."Then I'll keep the pictures..."

"You said you divorced her...."Caroline cut in..

Richard swallowed hard before turning to face Caroline..."What, aren't you okay becoming a second wife...?"

"Hell no I'm not okay becoming a second wife.., you need to divorce her so I can come in...."

"I don't do divorce..."Richard fling back...

"Excuse me..."Laura said wanting to step out but once again Richard pushed her back...

"If you touch me again, the roof will go down on us..."Laura chided, rage pulling through her veins..

"Oh really..."Richard sneer...."You really want me to use my hands huh.., you missed it that much....?"

"The only thing I missed about you..., is nothing, so get the hell out of my way.."

"Not until you delete the pictures.."Caroline chimes in infuriated

Laura nibbed at her bottom lip.."I'm trying so hard to deal with one idiot, now another idiot just have to jump in.."

"You're the bigger idiot..."Caroline returned sharply..."Taking nude pics of him and his partner to blackmail into doing your bids..., you're so shameless.."

"Oh dear, your brain must have skipped the definition of shameless, the shameless one here is you..., fùcking another woman's husband...., you're super shameless and stupid to fall for his lies.."

"How dare you insult me.."Caroline fling back exasperated..."Do you know who I am, you do not know what am capable of..."

Laura scoff...."Seriously Richard, you need to tell your dog to back off, I hate to get rabies..."

"I'm going to ask you nicely one last time, delete the damn pictures.."Caroline retorted

"Then tell your dear cheat of a soon to be husband to sign the divorce papers..."

"The divorce papers aren't my business..."

"Oh they are now..."Laura said crisply..."They became your business the moment you agreed to marry this wild animal...."

"Enough Laura...., enough of your rantings, delete the photos now..."

"Are you ready to sign...?"She fling back...

Infuriated, Caroline walked towards her almost snatching the bag from her but Laura pushed her back....

"Don't you dare...?"Laura growled....

"You're playing with fire..."Caroline retorted..

"I'm a cold blooded bitch from the hood..."Laura hollered...."I've been playing with fire since I was a kid..., so do not even dare to threaten me with it because it might just burn you"

"You think you're tough huh..."Caroline said....

"When your husband is ready to sign, tell him to find me, now get your damn self out of my way..."Laura chided pushing her and Richard aside and walked out on them without anyone stopping her.....


Both girls went giddy with excitement the moment Lily opened the hotel room door and saw Laura...

"Oh my God Laura..."Daisy blare out tingling from her head to toe...

"We missed you..."Daisy added as they both leaned in for a hug...

"I missed you girls too..."Laura said giggling like a small child with an especially large Christmas gift.....

"Where's Janet...?"She added dropping her bag on the bed...

"She's on her way..."Lily replied..."Don't tell me you didn't get us anything..."

"What could I have possibly gotten you girls.."Laura said before they rumbled into laughter...

"You have no idea how much we've missed you...."Daisy chimes in sitting beside her on the bed...

"I've missed you too very much Daisy..."Laura replied giggling..

"Have you seen it..?"Lily chimes in...

Daisy ground her jaw at the quick way the question fell out of Lily's mouth...."Lily.."She coos

"Okay..."Laura cut in.."If you're talking about the wedding or whatever pictures Richard had there.., I've seen it..."

"You have..?"Daisy reiterated before realising the question made no sense..."I mean how did you feel...?"

"Free..."She said....

"Free..."Lily interjects..."But he hasn't sign the divorce papers yet...."

"He will, he have 24hours to decide what he wants before I do what's on my mind..."

"What's on your mind Laura..?"Daisy asked curiously

"Oh don't worry, you'll see it ..."Laura replied, a smile playing on her lips...

"What is it Laura...?"Daisy persisted...

Laura bored her eyes into hers..."It's nothing Daisy..., alright enough of the Richard bullshit talk, what are your plans with Tony Lily...?"

Lily hissed at the mention of his name..."I'm having a divorce...."

"Are you..?"Daisy ask in acertaintion


"You know if someone else other than you girls had told me Tony is gay.., God knows I wouldn't have believed..., how could he leave a beauty like you for a man with hairs all over his body...., fùcking their disgusting ass that they don't wash..., that's a whole disease 101.."

"Trust me,I'm done with Tony..."Lily sneer

"Lily is that what you really want...?"Daisy asked curiously..."A divorce..?"

"What I want is a man Daisy.."Lily riposte...."Not some ass fùcker whose dick can't even get erected in front of a woman...."

"I'm really sorry Lily.."Laura said...."But Tony do seem gentle though..."She teased

"Marry him then.."Lily fling back and they burst into laughter....

"Better be single than stay with a gay-man..."Laura said..."So I guess I'll pass on your offer..."

Daisy chuckle.."You two are not serious...."She said tilting her head and reclining it in the pillow...."But I still think she should talk to Tony though..."

"About what..?"Laura replied...."How he can find other guys to bang...?"

"No, to resolve issues with him even if she's not getting back with him.."

"No will do Daisy..."Lily chimes in..."Tony disgust me..."

"He's still your husband..."Laura teased..

"He'll cease to be soon..."

"Then welcome to the divorcee's crew...."Laura said..

"What if he refuse to sign like who shall not be named...?"Daisy asked

"That's his problem.."Lily riposte..."Divorce or not, we're done..."

"You don't have a job Lily..."Daisy said..."Try getting one before taking a decision you might regret..."

Lily huff..."I was thinking about that, do you think you can put in some good words for me to Simon....?"

"Why would I do that...?"

"I need a job Daisy...., Simon likes you, he may listen to you and give me a job..."

"I need a job too..."Laura interjects...

"We all need jobs..."Lily said...."That includes Janet..."

Daisy suck on her teeth..."You do realise you all can't work there right...?"

Lily shrugged...

"Because his mother will be like..'I said it, this girl is nothing but a gold-digger, she has finally cajole my son into employing her fellow gold-diggers..."

Laura laughed....."I really need to meet that woman..."

Lily stood up when a knock rumbled on the door....., when she opened, Janet came in, a wide smile hung on her face...

"La da da di..."Janet coos flaunting her finger in their faces...

"Is that a ring....?"Daisy asked with a cringe at it..

"Oh my God.., did Barry finally propose..?"Laura asked

Janet hissed at the mention of his name...."Not Barry..., Kenny did.."

"Kenny already propose...?"Lily chimes in holding her finger to take a closer look at the ring..

"So soon..."Daisy added

"Aren't you girls happy for me...?"Janey queried

"We are..."Laura said leaning in for a hug..."congratulations Janet..."

"We should pop champagne..."Lily added

"Wow, I'm surprise..."Daisy said crisply

"Why are you surprise..?"Janet asked

"How long have you known Kenny...?"Daisy asked

"Long enough for him to propose...."

"Wow..., I'm happy for you..."

"You should..., I'm getting married..."

"Do not hype it dear..."Laura chimes in..."Marriage is overrated..."

"Not mine..."Janet riposte..."Kenny loves me and I love him too.., isn't that what marriage entails..., a mutual feeling...?"

"Marraige is wide Janet..."Lily said..."And a lots of ups and down, mostly down..."

"You don't need to lecture me..., I know that..., which is why I'm having a three month courtship...."

Laura poke her eyes..."Do people still have that...?"

"Janet does..."Lily jump in....

"Courtship or not, if a marraige is doom to fail.., it'll fail...."Laura said

"Except God resurrect it like the dry bones..., but nowadays, it seems God doesn't give a damn...."

"God does.."Daisy chimes in..

Laura chuckle..."God didn't ask you to marry a wrong partner...."

Lily's smile slipped..."Laura do you remember those days that we attend those church all-night and pray for a good man to come our way.. "

"The bible said watch and pray dear..."Laura replied..."We didn't watch and that's why we fell blindly into the hands of these monsters...."

"Okay stop..."Janet hauled in...."I'm not rushing into this..."

"You better don't girl..."Laura riposte..."I wouldn't want you to make the mistakes we made..., you know those men that look perfect, they give you anything you demand, they teased and play with you and in your little world, you will think an angel fell from heaven just for you..., marry them and you'll be left wondering if you got married to a beast or the sons of Eli..."

"Men are worst than the devil.."Lily swear....

"You can say that again girl.."Laura supported...

"Okay you girls should stop..."Janet cut in...."Please.."

"Janet we're happy for you..."Lily said..."We just don't want you to end up like us.., do you really know Kenny...?"

"I do..."

"Okay fine..., get married, I'll be happy to be your bridesmaid...."

"Aren't you a little too married for that...?"

"Oh please I'm becoming single again...."

"Me too..."Laura chimes in...

"Seriously, what has gotten into you girls...?"Janet queried

"You brought my stuff...?"Lily ask instead changing the topic...

"Yeah.."Janet said dipping her hand in her back pocket and handed her a pregnancy kit...

"Oh my God Lily...."Daisy mutter..."Isn't that a pregnancy kit....?"

Lily exhaled before she nodded...

"I told her, her breast are getting bigger..."Janet said

"So how do this thing work...?"Lily asked with quivering lips....

"Did you missed your period..?"Laura asked curiously

Lily took a deep breathe but didn't reply

"You pee on it..."Janet said..." if it turns green.., you aren't pregnant, if it turns red, you are..."

"Okay..."Lily said and went into the bathroom....

"Oh Jesus..."Daisy mutter..

"Will you stop...."Janet said to her....

"What if she's pregnant..?"Daisy asked..

"What if she isn't...?"Janet fling back...

"Okay you two just be quiet okay..."Laura chimes in....

Lily came out a few minutes later down casted...., with a long face, she gave the kit to Janet.....

"Oh my God, you're pregnant...."Janet blare out...

"Who's the father...?"Laura asked

"The stranger...."Daisy mutter...

"The stranger.., name for who exactly....?"

"Name for the stranger she fùcked...."