The princes yard

'Coal yard? Which one too is that one? I better not ask him or he might get suspicious or think I'm a weirdo'

Mi Juanxi thanked him and walked away in confusion.

' I'll definitely see other palace maids, I'll ask them to show me where this Coal yard is'

Mi Juanxi soon saw another palace maid carrying a tray around, she tried calling her but the person was walking fast.

'Gosh why is she walking so fast?'

Mi Juanxi chased after the palace maid but when she got to a corner she lost her.

' F*CK! Where did she go? I don't even know where I am now!'

"Hey you there! Get to the kitchen and prepare the meal to the princes yard", A court lady ordered her.

Mi Juanxi was startled and wanted to tell the woman that she was new here moreover she had been assigned to the... what was the name again? Oh! Coal yard.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry and follow me!.", The woman yelled and knocked her head.

Mi Juanxi pouted and rubbed her head as she hurriedly followed behind the woman with her head lowered.

They entered an extremely big kitchen which was enough to be a mansion, there were other palace maids busily going around each performing their duties.

The woman handed a huge tray to her and three other maidens and ordered for them to follow her.

Mi Juanxi was cursing the woman in her head, how could she hand over such a heavy tray to a small girl like her?

' Wait a minute? We're heading to the princes yard? Doesn't that mean the princes would be there? What if I meet the one who tried to kill me? What if he really kills me this time?'


Guan Jingxuan sat on the king sized bed and held a small piece of cloth in his hand, it belonged to a woman.

It belonged to the woman who had sneaked into his room on the night that he had been drugged.

He was sure that whoever had drugged him had assigned her to sneak into his room. That dawn he had not seen her face clearly and had left to pick his lamp and his sword however when he arrived she had sneaked out.

However there were a few things about her which he could clearly remember, the black mole under her eyes, there was also a love shaped birthmark between her breasts and the last thing which he would never forget, her body's scent. It smelt so good and natural.

He could remember every single part of her body and how it felt like, her body was very soft too. That night she had been very passionate and good in bed.

That was his first time sleeping with a woman and it was a night he would never forget because...

However if he ever grabbed her he would... kill her.

Who did she think he was? Someone she could easily sleep with and run away?

Guan Jingxuan was in deep thoughts when he heard an announcement.

"Her royal highness, the empress is here to see the tenth prince", The palace guard standing outside announced loudly.

Guan Jingxuan immediately stood up and when he saw the empress he knelt on the floor with one knee.

"It is a privilege to have the empress visit me", Guan Jingxuan had his head lowered as he spoke.

"Stand up", the empress smiled and sat down.

"What brings the empress here?", Guan Jingxuan stood up but did not take a sit.

"Well I heard royal concubine Gu Shi wasn't feeling well so I felt it right to ask you her son about her health now", The empress smiled at the end of her sentence.

Hearing her words Guan Jingxuan chuckled, this woman was here to definitely ridicule him huh?

"It seems the empress has a very close relationship with royal concubine Gu Shi. I believe she would be healed if you were to visit her", Guan Jingxuan's voice was filled with sarcasm.

"You...", The empress was left speechless not knowing what to say.

"Also it's such a pity that the empress doesn't have a child or she would have been preoccupied. My deep condolences once more"

Empress Yuan Xi was fuming with anger, how dare this brat talk to her like that?

She turned around and walked out without saying any more words.

Who didn't know how much Guan Jingxuan hated his mother? He had a very bad relationship with her and had not visited her for even once since she was sick.

Guan Jingxuan hated anyone talking about his mother before him, he kicked the chair beside him and it broke into pieces.

"Your highness, the rest of the princes are waiting for you at the yard", a guard came to inform him.

Guan Jingxuan put on his coat and walked out.


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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Love y'all...