Mr. Xavier Flynn.

"I'm not a thing, you know," Xavier said with a smirk. "And besides, I'm pretty expensive. Can you afford me for your mom?"

Ryan thought for a moment and then said, "Who said I'm using money? I'll use the ice cream money you wanted to bribe me with to get you for my mom instead!"

Xavier was stunned by the child's shamelessness. "Wow, you are one confident kid," he said with a chuckle. "And a very shameless one at that."

He has never seen someone who is more shameless than him, until he saw this four year old kid.

His father must be a pro then.

How could he worth only an ice cream fee?

Just then, a little girl ran up to them. "Ryan, there you are!" she exclaimed, a little out of breath. "Who's this?" she asked, looking up at Xavier.

"This is Xavier, our future daddy" Ryan said, putting his arm around his sister's shoulders. "And this is my twin sister, Rihanna."

"Wow! Our future daddy is so handsome."

"I definitely have the eagle eyes." Ryan praised himself.

"Aww, you guys are adorable," Xavier said, charmed by the children. "And very funny too."

"Are we funny? We are not." Rihanna said, confused about the whole thing.

"Xavier's the funny one," Ryan said, giving her sister a sly look. "He's the one who wanted to bribe me with ice cream!"

Xavier laughed. "Is that so? Well, I'm flattered that you think I have a sense of humor! I just wanted to make sure you didn't think I was all business."

"You definitely don't seem like the business type," Rihanna said, sizing him up. "You seem more like the fun uncle type."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Xavier said, grinning. "I'm glad to know I give off that vibe. So, what have you two been up to today?"

The kids were chatting with the man when a voice called from the distance.

"Ryan, Rihanna! Where did you run off to?" A lady hurried toward them, ruffling their hair affectionately.

"Aunty Mia, We met a really nice man," Rihanna said, beaming. "We think he'd make a great dad for us as good husband for mummy!"

"You can't just run up to strangers and tell them that!" Mia admonished, laughing at the children's exuberance. "They might not take you seriously!"

As she looked up to apologise to the man, her mouth fell open in surprise. It was none other than Mr. Xavier Flynn, President of F. Sky Corps.

"What an unexpected surprise!" Someone exclaimed. "I must say, these two little ones certainly have good taste. You're quite the catch, Mr. Flynn." The owner of the restaurant said.

The kids smiled at what the woman said.

Mr. Flynn laughed heartily at the comment. "Well, I'm flattered, but I'm afraid I'm not looking for any children at the moment!" he replied.

The kids pouted and crossed their arms, their expressions.

"Thanks so much, Mr Flynn, for not getting angry at them. We would take our leave now." Mia said, her cheeks flushed.

"No problem. You have pretty kids." Xavier said with a smile.

"They are not my kids. My friend kids." Mia said with a smile and quickly left with the kids.

She can't believe her luck to finally see him, Mr Xavier Flynn.