8- Campus Day : Chaos

"I'm coming home tonight. What do you guys wanna eat?" asks Pan. Mei and Shu whisper to each other before giggling together.

"Oy, what's with that secret pact, huh?" Pan glares at them. She can see clearly how these two girls keep talking to each other secretly.

"Aunty Mei asked you to bring a cute boy home..."

"For who?" Pan glares at Shu.

"For you, of course!"

Pan squints her eyes. Mei and Shu giggle together. When they combine forces, they are the best teaser for Pan. With Shu's cute act and innocent eyes Mei, it's hard for Pan to get mad at them.

"Don't worry, cute boy is here!"

Pan stands up straight. Kim is standing in front of her, smiling wide.

"Who's that?" Mei asks Pan.

"No one. Just a senior..."

"Can I see him? May I? May I?" Shu looks like almost jumped out of the screen.

"See you guys tonight! Love you!"

Pan cuts the call.

"Calling home again?" asks Kim. Pan slowly nods.

"You missed home that much?"

"Who doesn't? I mean, you must miss your family too, Senior Kim," Pan replies. Kim walks closer to her.

"Wanna meet them?" he asks.


"My parents live here. We can visit them anytime," says Kim.

"I don't think they will like it if you bring a girl home," Pan answers, in a way so Kim won't get pricked. Full of respect.

"They're open. I can even bring a man home if I want to," Kim whispers to Pan.

Okay, now she had enough. Kim's overconfident trait that shoots up through the roof makes her sarcastic mode itching to come out.

You're so proud of yourself, huh... Pan gushes silently.

"So, I guess this is not the first time you invite someone home. I see."

"See what?"

"I don't know. Maybe... How frivolous you are?" says Pan before she leaves him, standing alone there.

Kim smirks. This is the kind of game that he loves so much. It's challenging and tricky. He could not help but impressed by Pan's bold attitude. Ever since he saw how she casually talked back to Zee, his heart was set on this one.

She has to be mine!


"Slowly. You almost there..."

"Pan! I can't see which way I am going!" Yara whines inside the bunny mascot costume. Han ushers them from behind in case this small petite girl flops back.

"The head is as big as my bed!"

"Calm down. We got you, Yara..." Pan tries to calm her down.

"I can't do this! I can't!"

"Yes, you can! Believe me!" says Pan.

On their right, the seniors casually walk past. They only glare at them, never bother to help.

"Pan! Help!" Yara almost slips into that bunny costume. Pan quickly grabs her hand.

"It's fine, Yara. Keep moving. In case you get hurt, we have someone we can blame!" Pan purposely spikes out when she sees Zee walking past them. The man gives her a sharp glare.

You are lucky that I'm fully occupied now! Or else, Imma fuck you off! Pan gushes by herself.

"Pan, stairs!" Han points out a fleet of stairs right in front of them. Pan kinda missed the beat and she almost fell.

"Be careful!"


Pan manages to grab the rail. But Yara, unfortunately, falls in the bunny costume. The good news is, there are only 4 fleets of stairs.

But, the bad news is...

"Mama!!! My leg's hurt!!!"

"Yara!" Han quickly pulls off the bunny's head so the girl can breathe. She's crying out loud, attracting the seniors. They turn back and see Yara crying while grabbing her ankle.

"Take the costume off!" says Kitty. Pan quickly zips off the costume and slowly helps Yara out of that huge suit. She's still sobbing hard. Han looks panicky.

"I think we have to bring her to the infirmary..." says Kitty.

"No. Let's bring her to the hospital. I think her leg might be cracked!" Cherry quickly ran towards the parking lot.

"What happened?" Bear arrives at the scene, looking worried. Ta pursues from behind.

"She's fell from the stairs. We have to bring her to the hospital!" says Kitty.

"Let me follow you," says Bear to Kitty. He looks at Ta. The man nods in tiny.

"Can Han tag along? Her bag is with him," asks Pan. The seniors exchange looks. Finally, Ta nods.

"Let me lift her..." Han offers himself to be the horsie. Even though he doesn't know if Yara is willing to let him hold her, he takes any chances to help his friend.

Everything's set when the car slowly disappears from the campus. Ta looks at Pan who standing there alone, with the bunny costume in her hand.

"What now?" asks Ta.

Pan slowly lifts her head and gazes at him.

"The show must go on, I guess..." Pan replies.


"How's going?" Zee reaches the coffee truck booth. He stops by for a visit, just to check.

"Where did you get this person, Zee?" asks Yun, his senior a.ka barista of the day. Zee frowns when he looks at him, smiling ear to ear.

"Something's wrong?" he asks.

"No. The person is skillful! I mean, look at that! That bunny managed to attract a crowd here!"

Zee turns his head towards the bunny mascot. From afar, he can see the big and cute movement made by the bunny to attract the crowd to stop by the booth.

"Ta..." Zee pulls Ta aside. The friend looks at him in confusion.

"Why one? Where are the other two?" he asks Ta. Ta glares at the seniors before whispering to Zee.

"There was an accident just now-"

"Who?!" Zee can't even wait for Ta to explain the rest of the story.

"It's Yara. The small kiddo. She fell from the stairs and injured her leg. Kitty, Cherry, and Bear rush her to the hospital before something worse happens," answers Ta.

There's a relief in Zee's face. He nods a bit. But then, he realizes something.

"Wait... But, there's a three of them. Where is the other one?" he asks.

"Which one? The guy, or the slanted eyes that look like a cat..."

"Ta, you too?" Zee squints his eyes. Ta giggles for a bit.

"That's your trademark for this year, bro," Ta pats his shoulder.

"Enough of that. Where is the other one?" Zee rushes Ta to talk.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you... The guy, the one with that annoying face, tag along to the hospital..."

"That means... That..."

"Yes. Your slanted eyes that look like a cat-girl..."

Zee gasps as he turns his head towards the bunny mascot. With this heat and that movement, he wonders how Pan can stand that.

Pan, please don't die!