Cultivation: Earth Cycle Basics (4 Layers)

Please find the first Cycle of the cultivation technique made for Asura.

Note: Only certain bloodlines can cultivate themselves in this way. Normal humans would explode at the first layer.

First Layer - Using the most powerful energy in the known universe (Anima) and transforming your organs and bones to accept your future cultivation as the foundation. The size and shape depend on the user's will and desire. 

A larger core is dangerous and can cause irreparable damage or death!

(Inner Core that forms your foundation.)

Second Layer - Create a filter to allow your Anima to flow even smoother and protect your inner core, the soft but dense outer core, which will be created from your muscles and empower your bones even more.

(Outer Core to protect the Inner core)

Third Layer - Create earth that will keep your entire core safe from harm and all your Anima to be distributed all over your body. Your flesh will become stronger, more durable and absorb more energy. (A hard and protective Mantle that would keep both safe.)

Fourth Layer - The final Layer of the Earth Cycle transforms your skin, hair and nails into extremely durable, able to absorb the strongest blows and once again, the amount of Anima absorbed from the world increases, bolstering cultivation.

The final layer covers the mantle and core completely, allowing for the future evolution of your living world.

(This state is known as the Crust formation.)