The First Date - Morning Preparations

Asura didn't say any smooth lies or try to change the topic as he saw her looking at him with those obsessive and worried eyes—he extended his right arm and caressed her cheek, sliding his thumb over her silky smooth cheekbone, wiping the slight layer of tears as he pulled her closer with his left arm that grabbed around her waist.

'She's so cold... her magic is constantly manifesting and leaving her so cold...'

"Xue'er, you're right. I am your master and husband."

Her big azure eyes were glowing brightly, showing how much mana was active within her body as he placed his forehead against hers.

"That will never change, and you will always be my number one." He whispered those words slowly and clearly so she could engrave them into her heart. "But Xue'er," Asura continued as he gently cupped her chin and lifted it so their eyes would meet.