Intense Training - Growth x 2

The surroundings were filled with sharp rocks and patches of grass before leading into the dark forest, a sense of dread lingering from that dark, rotting forest of hell.

He noticed the sky was black here as if the sun could never shine... the only light coming from the blue luminescence and light from magic particles flowing from the flora. 

Asura took out ten light stones in front of him—his senses stretched to their maximum as he slowly walked through the soft ground, placing a stone every few steps to remember his path—each footstep seemed to sink as if swallowing him.

His helmet and armour helped give him night vision, but he had taken out extra stones anyway due to how dangerous this place was and how dark it got—all sounds disappeared other than the slight fluttering breeze that left goosebumps on his skin.

⟪Devour Arts⟫

—Blood Reaper