Everyone Has A Story - But I Don't Want To Remember!

⁜ Lorem POV

In a musky room filled with broken training equipment, messy clothes tossed over them. Lorem left a large amount of silky and lewd bras and panties lying around as if the room's owner didn't give a damn about her femininity...

Then, in a small room, there was a sink with bloody bandages, needles containing a highly concentrated healing tonic, bandages, and gauze, and an entire room that seemed dedicated to serious first aid.

'Once again, she seems to have been fighting in the Barrim Kingdom underground arena...'

Lorem was looking at the abnormal state of Lucretia.

She began hammering the stone pillar with her fists and legs; skin tore, bled and bruised, yet Lorem didn't move. Lucretia focused completely on her target without blinking, their bloodshot sclera constantly darting around for each blow.