Date With Xavida - The Journey of Fish!

Since he returned, time seemed to have flown by so fast. The training would take ten hours of his day, and then spending an hour with the two women at night would leave only the nightly sessions of making Mu Xue's jealousy vanish with his body.

In the middle of the night, the moon was about to fade after their long session of passionate fellowship. Mu Xue was lying her rosy face on Asura's chest. "Asura~ I can't spend the last day with you, even though you are finally free... Xue is so sad!"

They had such a long and violent night because of this. Lorem had asked Mu Xue to take extra training in the morning, and because her menu wasn't half as drastic as his, she was quite fine to train before the assessment started.

"Mmm... then how about we meet after the event and go on a full weekend to the southern city of Varnel and enjoy a pleasant holiday? Maybe we can find some matching rings, haha."