The Darkness Inside - Asura's Plot

The second day of the assessment ended as the night of the southern wilds closed in. Asura and Xavida led the others with over 350 points, while Mu Xue trailed by over one hundred points.

"Husband~, are we not going to do it tonight?" 

Xavida's lustful amethyst eyes flickered in the dark forest the pair had yet to return to their base.

"I can make it worth the time~ hehe, don't you like the feeling of my little mouth?"


She latched onto his arm with her white tail gently swaying, now wearing a black and white maid outfit like Mu Xue but underneath a light chain mail bra and stockings that protected her legs and chest.

'This girl keeps tempting me like a witch... If I could afford to stop, does she not think I'd already be doing so?'

Tonight was a very important moment for Asura because of a rumour in the past that claimed the princess discovered something in the southern reaches of the forest on the third morning.