Return - Mu Xue's Love...????

Mu Xue left the room with a calm face. Each step was graceful as she opened the large black doors and walked towards her private room.

Her purple eyes were calm like violets. Hair raven black, swaying as Asura watched her leave without a word.

'...' A silent thought, her fists clenched tight as she pushed open the soft red wooden doors, a feeling of magic passing over her body as she closed the door.

These rooms would block all sounds from the inside from leaking unless the owner felt distressed.

The mansion used the basic light and dark element spells of alarm and detection.

Inside, she felt frustrated. Constantly playing the role given to her. How long since he released her from such a role?

She still acted like his maid rather than his lover.

"Idiotic!" her voice shouted with annoyance. Her face distorted quickly as her genuine emotions flared out.