Return to Drakkur

Time passed without caring for Asura's desire to spend more time with his women. Because of the deal, Mu Xue, Xavida and Lucretia would return to the academy. Yet he would go alone towards the capital of Drakkur, Bhalgrim.

Bhalgrim was a beautiful city. Protected by giant stone walls and a beautiful river.

The river which flowed beside the eastern walls offered clean, drinkable water and protected the people. The builders created a huge underground storage to hold much of the river. In times of great need, people used this emergency water.

However, to Asura, this place only reminded him of foul memories.

A past where he gave everything to improve the lacking sewage systems and agriculture. Only for him to be tossed aside in the end after he finished.


'Well, it's a long journey, but what shocked me is that Princess Vela is joining us...' Asura thought as he watched the last ship of the convoy depart the capital.