To Battle Oneself

Asura's lips parted while holding his chest.

The wet blood dripped down his fingertips as he panted slowly. He looked at the male standing before him with silver hair and golden eyes. 

He asked Verana before entering for information regarding the trial. Only hearing that he would face enemies that reflected upon your past every ten floors.

'Then why is my enemy Auros?' He wondered to himself as he felt his strength slowly leaving him.

"Could the past trial include your current life and previous ones you know of?" He voiced aloud.

It was the only thing he could think of to explain his current predicament. He remembered only a few things about Auros: his swordsmanship was top-class, and he would kill without mercy.

However, the latter fact made him question his existence during the trial, seeing how the Auros in front of him didn't speak and stood as if waiting for Asura to draw his weapon after the initial attack.