Royal Knight Training Ground - Lost Valley II

They left the main room, noticing that Sibyl now looked terrified of Asura. Her body trembled, and her forehead began sweating when she saw him.

Verana didn't notice the woman's changes—instead, she gave her a menacing look. Yet the woman's gaze never left Asura. It seemed like she wanted him to give her an order or complaint while watching him with quivering lips.

However, Asura didn't comment, amused she couldn't sit to work.

"Verana, don't be nasty to the kind woman." 

Asura's eyes narrowed with a wicked gaze as if he were torturing the woman, while Verana seemed jealous that he spoke for her.

"Hmm. Is that flabby woman your type?"

"As if!" 

The two joked with each other while heading back to the mansion. Verana's eyes watched Asura like a hawk. Her feelings of jealousy were growing each day. 

Despite this, he never tried to clarify.

Instead, he enjoyed the conflict between them.
