The Complications of the Cult

To the East of Lyndwrym, located to the south of the Eastern empire, a massive forest hides the various tribes that create the monster kingdoms. 

The orcs control the southern border that touches the human lands, while the western border contains small hills and tunnels built by the goblins and kobolds always at war with them. 

In the centre, the powerful but simple trolls live a relatively slow life, while to the north and East, the spider queen rules most of the dark forest and is the de facto leader of the monster council.

Small tribes linger in the various forests and landscapes but have no power against the council of four. 





These are the four who lead the council.

Meanwhile, inside a hut in the southern forest of Drak'thalar. Inside a dark, messy room filled with a mixture of various scents of women and a single male.