An Unfortunate End

His tired body throbbed. Each unit of Animus caused Asura's core to transform. But in return, he suffered from intense pain from abusing his magic. The sweet taste of copper and iron filled Asura's mouth as he watched the burning serpent. 

And in that moment, the serpent's gaze met his, a silent exchange that spoke volumes, a language only they understood. 

Asura didn't understand what made this woman so insane. However, he didn't care because she threatened the people he loved.

'I feel my core screaming in agony.'

"This isn't over. You cannot escape me," the serpent said in an obsessive tone.

He avoided her bloodshot gaze. His fingertips grasping his sword made of void magic. The black aura was a mixture of his magic, and Devil's Shroud fused into one. Only able to exist because of the existence of the void.

A magic that creates and destroys an element of nothingness.