The Unknown Future

Seven days after he met with Spica, Asura spent a busy time trying to make up for his time with his many lovers. 

In the mornings, he trained with Mu Xue, Xavida, and Lucia before taking time to support Lorem during the afternoon with Verana. After the evening training with Vela, he returned to their shared tent.

Under normal circumstances, a shared tent would be unthinkable.

However, the queen, aware of the unique relationship between the members, made an exception. In return for this, Asura would have to train and work harder than any other student to be worthy of this benefit.

Meanwhile, the basic repairs of the city fort were complete, with the walls only being wooden and many buildings yet to be cemented while the army waited for the escort of tradesmen to arrive. Thus, all students remained on standby to defend the city and prepare for a second invasion.