The Battle begins - Crushing the orc army

In the midst of the brutal battle, Asura's wings fluttered high above the orcs, his gaze like a god looking down upon them, while he observed the tallest orc holding a huge axe.

'This must be their leader, and his gaze is full of conviction and power.'

Behind him, the assault on the walls intensified with Xavida's huge body crushing and smashing the enemy. However, she couldn't stop everyone from climbing the wall with magic.

'I cannot waste time on this... If I do not convince the orcs, then the knights and my lovely fiancée's might be hurt.'

Asura landed on the damaged ground covered in cracks and filled with pools of blood and fallen bodies. With the flutter of his wings, all the bodies and filth evaporated into ashes. With the flicker of his black flame, everything vanished, followed by a white flame.

The white flame.