After The Battle - Ruins of Westrin

Two hours after Abaddon's defeat, the enemy troops became like a house of cards. They fell to the organised attack of the orcs under Grom and Valkyrie under Ignis. 

Meanwhile, Maria's figure vanished into the city. She heard from Grom during their travel, where they kept Alan captive and thus rushed to find him. Nobody would complain, especially when Asura let her go.

Asura left the battlefield and headed to the emergency tents. He found a large tent that seemed more private than the others and sensed Verana, Amalia and Xavida from the open door.

"Verana, Xavida, are you both alright?" Asura stood beside the pair after coming inside. He noticed their damage seemed more extensive than he thought. 

Both girls looked at him with wet eyes, their skin burned and flesh wounds covering their bodies. Maybe they thought Asura would become disgusted or something.