A Reunion after 3000 years

The Chamber remained silent while the stunned dark elf gazed at Asura with his palm print across her cheek. He didn't speak or slap her again. Instead, waiting for her to recover. Asura felt the aura of Philis change. As if she was observing, looking to see how this played out.

"Haven't you a single thing to say for yourself?" He finally demanded, the muscles of his face clenching as his red eyes narrowed. Philis blinked her eyes a few times, opening and closing her mouth as she stared at the man before her.

"I... how long has it been since that day?" She asked quietly, causing Asura to show an awkward smile before he closed his eyes to calculate but couldn't come up with an accurate number.

"At least three thousand years, your little niece is now the mother of six. Her youngest daughter is just over one thousand years old."