The Sister's Meet - Not So Different!

The moment she appeared, all sound faded enough to hear a pin drop. Mu Xue's eyes widened. At first, she opened her lips. However, no words came out as her pupils darted around Mu Yue's figure as if lost in confusion.


Mu Xue's mind felt like someone smashed it with a hammer. Her hands were trembling while lost in confusion and shock. 

The beautiful woman also seemed frozen. Her eyes were much larger, and her face a little more rounded and cute, but it was obvious the pair shared a relationship. She swallowed her saliva before trying to speak, yet her throat only released a slight croak.

'Is she really Mu Yue, that cute girl with a chubby face?'

While the two seemed stunned, Asura used his hands to gain the attention of the other women. Asura signalled for them to move to another room. His gaze at the two became complicated. Yet he didn't wish to ruin what seemed to be an important reunion.