After All - Monsters Can Never Change... Right?

In the darkness of a large academy room. The gloomy light from the half-blocked window reflected shadows across the walls. The classroom itself was empty of life, with a layer of dust on the old wooden desks and chairs and a thick layer of cobwebs in the corners of the room. The whole place appeared like it had been abandoned for a long time.

A soft beeping sounded, followed by the dark shadow figure, shaped like a person illuminated by a small light stepping over a pile of rubble. The person moves slowly across the classroom.

The figure stopped, the beeping sounding again, before the light shone up, revealing the face of the figure.

Shang Luo, his handsome angular jaw and stiff face, looked at the number on his handheld communication device, the model older than most Silvara models. This was one specifically from the Emerald Empire. 'Father...'