After All I couldn't avoid Trouble!

Asura didn't want to cause drama so early in the morning.

So he took the matter into his own hands, grabbing Rasha by the waist and tossing Yufa over his shoulder. He rushed out of the guest room and tossed them onto the sofa in the living room. 

'Where the hell are her clothes...' He thought while looking at the bare body of Rasha, who seemed stunned after tossing her through the air.

"Yufa, don't let your sister wander off. I'm going to get her clothes..." 

With that, he rushed to his room with fleeting steps.

The sound of various people waking up filled the mansion, along with the maids who entered the kitchen from their side entrance, starting to prepare breakfast.

He could feel Xavida's presence sneaking towards his room ever since she finished her shower, causing Asura's lips to twitch at how cheeky the little dragon was.