Meeting The Lovely Elf - Before Hell, There's Bathing!

Warm morning sunlight peeked through the silver netting. The black and red curtains floated in the gentle breeze. Asura sat on the edge of his bed. His gaze watched the sleeping faces of his three lovers while stroking the soft scales on Xavida's cheek. 

'I think I've had enough time off now.' 

Asura grasped the small token in his hand, one that would link him to another place. He no longer attuned this to the mountainous place where he met Celine. Instead, they both changed where it would take them because the goblins became too weak.

'Did you prepare for today, Celine?' 

[Of course, you've been so busy and always ignored me since you came here! How is my aunt doing?]

He suddenly recalled her existence.

He closed his eyes and wondered if Celine would understand. She desired to explore the world, and I simply fulfilled her wishes, correct...?

'I don't know, probably travelling the world or something.'