Changes in the Elven Monolith

Asura sat on the edge of Celine's bed. He felt a sense of comfort after their evening together, different from sensual pleasure. Instead, he could feel the changes in the elven monolith, the world tree that bound all the other monoliths together. 

'It's strange...' 

He felt the monolith become full of life and vibrance the moment he embraced Celine. The feeling that mating with an elf caused the tree to develop and grow further. 

Though his strength didn't magically explode and become Stage Ten, he felt different—the way his magic and animus moved through his veins became tranquil and controlled. 

When he let it circulate to create a small ball of flames, Asura needed less than half of what he needed in the past, and the power was still stronger than before. 

"Look at her sleeping though, a princess during the day and an erotic little pig at night."