The Burning Glade

Asura could never have known that when he teleported on that day in the empire... it was over two months before he would return.

The time it took for the wounded Asura to travel from the Emerald Empire to the elven continent was a month. However, to those who teleported, it would have seemed like an instant. 

In that month, chaos spread throughout the entire continent. 


"Glade, hurry and support the northern wall!" 

A handsome yet haggard, middle-aged male shouted. He looked concerned—with a giant blade in his hands and dark red hair flowing in the wind. The man fought back against the invading monsters.

"Garret! We must fall back, there is no power to stop them!"

Despite the grey-haired knight's words, the former Earl couldn't abandon his people, his knights.

'This is hopeless... my son I could use your help right now.'