The Chaos Unfold, Fight the Demon Vine! (2)



Soon after 3 minutes of deafening sound waves, the sound released by Demon Vine slowly receded before finally ending, restoring the peace inside the enclosed cavern...

The previous thick fog in the surrounding area was visibly thinned due to the interference of the sound that drilled toward Leo's mind.


Heaving in great relief, Leo didn't forget to curse toward the vine before dismissing the fog that enveloped the figure of the groups.

With the natural ability of the fog to weaken the senses of being within it, it successfully weakened the effect of the sound they receive...

Although the sound still affected them heavily. Nonetheless, their condition was all better than his.

Feeling the lingering headache in his head, Leo slowly opened his eyes with a grimace as he stared at the distance in shock and great dumbfounded.

Gulped... What kind of skill is this!?