
The coin in his hand had two sides; one side had the image of a mountain, as it was to tribute the immortal or cultivator, while the other had the image of a flickering flame, the symbol of the Yan Empire, the empire he was in right now. He fiddled with the coin in his hand.

Everything has two sides, just like the coin in his hand. The happy and peaceful day he lived in the village and the danger he went through in the forest were on two sides of the world, while the scene he saw in the slum was the gray area, like the edge of a coin, which existed between the two sides.

As soon as he realized it, he felt as if a boulder had been lifted off his shoulder. He has an easier time accepting what happened in the forest before. Because he knew what was causing the attack and its implications. He could also understand why Wang Ren betrayed him or, more accurately, why Wang Ren seemed enthusiastic towards him.

Meanwhile, the shop owner was displeased because Wei Fang stood in front of his shop without buying anything.

If it was any other person, he would shout 'get lost' and chase them away ages ago. But because of Wei Fang's robe, he didn't dare do it to him, so he could only wait sullenly until Wei Fang was gone on his own.

"Boss, give ge twnety five buns." Wei Fang suddenly said, which brought a smile to the previously sullen shop owner's face.

'He must feel guilty for blocking my entrance and ordering many buns to compensate me; sect disciples really are different.'

The shop owner happily prepared Wei Fang's order.

The happy shop owner even gave him a sack for him to bring the buns; of course it was a new sack.

"How much?" Wei Fang asked.

"The total is 50 copper, young master." The shop owner answered politely.

Wei Fang suddenly placed the gold coin that he had previously fiddled with on the table.

"Young master, this is too much!" The shop's owner's face changed. "I didn't have change for it."

"Just take it." Wei Fang said, "As for the change, you could just give some food to the children from the slum when they come out until it's run out."

The shop owner was bewildered as he looked at Wei Fang and then at the sack that was full of buns. He suddenly realized that the sect disciple in front of him was different from the other sect disciples he had met before.

He looked to the left and right before carefully taking away the gold coin. Then he smiled delightfully and said, "Thank you, young master!"

He was not a heartless man, as he sometimes also gave buns to the children from the slum out of pity. Of course, it was normally just the leftover, but it was still a bun nonetheless. So he could just do everything like usual, and the gold coin was his.

Wei Fang left the shop as he walked towards the valley that went to the slum. Just because he got a realization didn't mean what he wanted changed.

He still felt pity for the children in the slum. If he gave them some money, it would invite some trouble, but it would be different if he gave them food. After all, unlike money, foods would gone instantly after they were eaten.

Not long after, he finally arrived at the place where the children gathered. There, he saw four children playing in front of a house. "Hey kids, do you want some bun?" Wei Fang asked.

But the response he expected didn't come; the children just stopped playing and stared at him suspiciously. Those who grew up in the slum were already used to being wary of strangers. After all, it was not just once or twice that some children went missing in the slum.

Wei Fang just scratched his head in confusion; he thought the children would happily accept his offer.

After thinking for a bit, he took out a bun from his sack. He peeled the wrapping and started asking a bit, "Want one?" He asked again.

This time, the children nodded at Wei Fang and looked at him expectantly. It could be said that children would not be as wary as adults.

Wei Fang happily took out four buns and gave them to the children.

The children seemed impatient as they started unwrapping the bun and started eating it happily. Then one of the children, which was a girl, seemed to realize something: "Thank you, big brother!"

The others also followed, "Thank you, big brother!"

"It's alright." Wei Fang said simply, he seemed to be in a good mood.

After that, he stood up and started walking again. Every time he saw children, he would offer them his bun. No matter if it was a girl or a boy, clean or dirty, as long as they were children,.

Learning from his first experience, he would eat his bun in front of the children to prove that it was not dangerous.

Of course, there are also some children who only accept the bun he already took a bite from.

He felt a bit tired after he gave all of his bun, but he felt it was worth it when he remembered the happy expression of the children. Even in this place where hope was extravagant, he could still see some pureness in them.

Of course, not all of the children were like that; there were many who were mischievous, and there were also those who were always vigilant. It couldn't be helped, as they grew up in such a place.

Finally, he arrived at the other side of the entrance, where he could see the crowd who were begging him earlier.

As he walked closer to them, he heard one of them say, "Are your businesses finished, young master?"

Wei Fang could tell that they were misunderstood about the reason he came here, but he was in a good mood and didn't want to quibble with them, so he just nodded his head, "Mmm."

"I hope your business is always smooth, young master."

"Thank you." He said as he walked away, he could tell that they were not sincere with their word, but whatever.

Just as he was walking through the alley he needed to pass to arrive at the main street, he saw a silhouette of someone walking from the front. It seems he was someone who needed to conduct some business in the slum.

But, suddenly, the man stopped and raised his hand. It was still some distance, so he didn't see clearly.

'It's none of my business.' He thought. He just ignored the man and continued walking.

[Ding!] He suddenly got a system prompt from the corner of his eyes, but before he could check what it was, he saw a blue light suddenly travel at fast speed from the man in the distance towards him.

"What is that?" He shouted.

And he got his answer instantly; he saw it was a sharp piece of ice that was flying fast towards him.