Culture Different

"What happened?" The crowd parted, making a way for a person to pass through.

"Senior Brother Qian!"

"It's like this..." One of the disciples explained what happened.

Senior Brother Qian narrowed his eyes and looked at Wei Fang. "Is what they said true?"

It was a question, but he said it like an accusation. He was also someone who failed to enter the main sect, so he obviously would have chosen to side with someone from his sect, even if what he did was equally despicable.

"Yes." Wei Fang nodded; there was no point denying it.

"How can you do something like that against that opponent who is already unconscious? Are the people of the main sect as despicable as you?" Senior Brother Qian accused Wei Fang instantly.

"I don't know." Is everyone in the main sect as despicable as him? He really didn't know. He didn't even know how despicable he was; how could he know how despicable others were?

Wei Fang shrugged as if what he did was not something wrong. He didn't think it was wrong anyway.

But his answer and nonchalant attitude just made Senior Brother Qian irritated.

"You didn't know?" Senior Brother Qian sneered, "Then, tell me! Are everyone from your sect going to hit an opponent who is already unconscious, or is it just you?" Senior Brother Qian pressed.

Wei Fang seemed to think hard about the question, but the answer he came up with was still the same. "I don't know."

"What do you know then? Didn't you know how to answer questions?" Senior Brother Qian snapped, clearly irritated.

He wanted to punish Wei Fang, but he was from the main sect, after all. He couldn't just punish him without reason. As long as Wei Fang answered no, he would label himself as despicable and could be considered to be at fault, so there were reasons to punish him.

If he answered yes, it would mean he admitted everyone from the main sect was despicable. It was the same as dragging the main sect name to the ground. Even if he didn't do anything, those from the main sect would punish him instead.

He just didn't expect him to pretend to not know. If this was to be continued, he couldn't do anything to him, as it was their own disciples who started it first.

"I don't know." Wei Fang answered in reflex; he seems to be addicted to it, as every time he answered like that, Senior Brother Qian's face seemed to become darker.

But, seeing that everyone's face also became darker, Wei Fang chouged. "Ahem."

"What do I know? I know that everyone from the main sect would do what I did." Wei Fang answered clearly.

"Do you mean they would also hit the opponent, who had already lost consciousness?" Senior Brother Qian asked again; he seems to want Wei Fang to state it clearly.

"No, no, no. How can we attack someone who is already unconscious? Isn't that despicable to do?" Wei Fang shook his head.

Senior Brother Qian popped a vein, and his eyes stared hard at Wei Fang. While everyone looked at Wei Fang with an expression that wanted to beat him,.

Seeing everyone's expression, Wei Fang hurriedly thought of something. He knew he would end up getting beaten if he didn't say something, even if he didn't do anything wrong. Angering the public was not something wrong,  right?

"I attacked him to check if he had really lost consciousness. Yes, that is. I attacked him to see if he was really unconscious. After all, he attacked me from behind before. How can I be sure that he was not pretending to be unconscious and waiting for a chance to attack me again?"

Everyone was taken aback by his answer. They thought he would spout nonsense again, but contrary to their expectations, he gave a proper answer this time.

The more they thought about his answer, the more logical it became. For someone who could sneak attack someone from behind, the idea of pretending to be unconscious didn't seem too far-fetched.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Senior Brother Qian's expression turned green. What he did was just like a clown who cleaned up Wei Fang's reputation.

If he just let it be from the start, Zhao Feng and Wei Fang's reputations would take a hit. After all, with many people accusing him, he couldn't explain himself; once he did, he would be drowned in the crowd's spit. One mouth can't argue with hundreds of mouths.

But because of him, Wei Fang got the chance to explain himself. His explanation even convinced the crowd.

The most depressing thing was that he was now in an awkward situation.

"What are you doing crowded here and not helping the convoy that was about to depart?"

Senior Brother Qian felt like his savior had come when he heard the voice.

He looked over, and his expression fell. He saw his senior brother, but the one in the lead was the Foundation Establishment senior from the main sect.

He didn't dare to embezzle any word and just report what happened as it is; of course, he didn't forget to tell about what Wei Fang said about what everyone in the main sect would do like he did to his opponent, which he speculated was pretending to be unconscious.

After hearing what happened, Zhao Wu looked at Wei Fang, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

"Technically, what he said was true," Zhao Wu said.

Everyone looked at him in disbelief, so everyone from the main sect was really that despisingly cautious?

"This is supposed to be something you all experience on your own after you arrive at the main sect." Zhao Wu continued, "But it seems I need to explain something to clear the misunderstanding."

"In the main sect, the duel format was free. There were no limitations as to what you could do, as long as you refrained from killing and crippling your fellow disciples.

"So, dirty tricks, sneak attacks, and other despicable means were something everyone in the main sect could do.

"And what Wei Fang did was to prevent himself from being sneakily attacked by someone who was pretending to be unconscious. 

"All of it was to prevent our disciples from falling for the same trick when they were outside. After all, it could mean that their lives would be forfeited, so it was better to be deceived inside the sect.

"Normally our disciples wouldn't do that outside of our sect, but he was still a new disciple, so he didn't know the rules for other sects."

Everyone showed a thoughtful expression after they heard it. The way they looked at Wei Fang also changed. So, all of it was a misunderstanding, it was just because of the different culture between the sects and not because he was angry at being sneak-attacked.

Especially the ones who just accepted into the main sect, they looked thankful at Wei Fang. Because of him, they could be prepared for what to come. If not for him, they would be still in the dark and would be in for the pain.

Even though they didn't have the confidence to prevent it from happening, at least they would be mentally prepared.

"Let's go; the convoy was about to depart. Don't let others wait too long for us." Zhao Wu said as he led others down the mountain.

Wei Fang cupped his fist at everyone before following Zho Wu and his group. He didn't want the senior brothers to wait for him, as it would offend them.