City Routines

Lumina City, the city where people work with money, Hiro, who is twenty-five and works an office clerk, walked through the crowded streets.

He starts his day following the city's routine, doing the same things every day.

Hiro's mornings are quiet, but when his alarm rings, it tells him it's time to start the day.

He doesn't feel very excited in the morning, he just goes with it making him start the day feeling tired, not all excited.

As the morning sun warmed the room, Hiro prepared for the day. He sat at the table, carefully spreading butter on a piece of toast, doing everything in an organized way.

The air carried the comforting scent of freshly made coffee while soft classical music played in the background.

He walked to the table dressed in a perfectly fitted suit. His black jacket was neat, buttoned up, and his tie was perfectly in place.

Hiro adjusted his cuffs until they were just right on his wrists. Every piece of clothing seemed like a shield, hiding the storm of emotions brewing inside of him.

As Hiro walked among the crowd of people rushing in the city, it felt like he was controlling every step.

The noise of the city was all around him, like a background soundtrack. He looked serious, but under that, he was lost in his own thoughts amid the busy city life.

To anyone looking from the outside, Hiro seemed like just another person in the busy city, a solitary figure among the many. 


As Hiro reached the bank, he started his regular tasks within the neat walls of the building. A feeling of worry grew as the time approached noon.

Hiro was working in a business transaction when he received a call from his boss, Mr. Thompson, a huge, intimidating man.

Hiro felt a chill run down his spine at the sound of his name echoing throughout the bank.

Mr. Thompson looked very unhappy as Hiro entered the room. The lines on his forehead showed how frustrated he was starting to get.

"Hiro, we need to talk."

Mr. Thompson's voice was a mixture of irritation and disappointment.

"Of course, sir"

Hiro responded calmly, but it was clear that turmoil was brewing inside him.

Mr. Thompson gestured for Hiro to take a seat and briskly continued,

"We have a situation. Sarah, your junior, has made a serious error in the client report. This might damage our relationship with an important client."

Hiro kept up his patient appearance, but he felt a strong sense of disappointment deep inside. Disappointment not by Sarah, but by his own lack of ability.

Sarah is a new team member who is good but still learning. She made a big mistake that could cause serious problems.

Hiro, who was responsible for the team's work and had been guiding her, felt worried about it.

"I understand the problem, sir, and I will make every effort to make things right."

Hiro responded calmly, hiding the strong emotions he was feeling inside.

Mr. Thompson's disappointment was evident.

"Hiro, we count on your team's accuracy and reliability. I trust you will ensure this doesn't happen again."

His eyes conveyed a mixture of criticism and expectation.

Hiro felt a burden of responsibility. Even though he looked calm on the outside, inside, he felt like he didn't do well and was feeling bad. He felt a lot of mess inside without showing it outside.

Even though Hiro seemed calm as he left Mr. Thompson's office, inside, he was really upset.

He felt sorry and responsible for the mistake, but he chose to talk to Sarah about it right away.


His decision to accept the busy city life made him seem calm, but deep inside, he felt differently.

He was determined to cope with it, but he also wanted real and honest human connections.

His dreams, which used to be full of life, were now hidden under a heavy feeling of being apart from them.

This made his interactions seem very formal and almost unnatural.

The clash between his inner worries and the lively energy of the city made him feel uncomfortable.

He kept his feelings hidden, causing an unspoken tension.

Hiro moved through his own feelings of sadness within the busy city, where the noise and activity were like distant sounds compared to his silent battle.

Each day felt like going through the motions, like a routine where he watched the busy crowd without truly feeling like he belonged in it.

The city's lively pace was like a distant reminder of emotions Hiro had distanced himself from, making his own story feel empty.

The city's energy, the crowds, and the talks blended into Hiro's quiet and detached world.

Hiro's serious mood clashed with his feeling of responsibility, making him feel really stressed.

Before, the city's lively feeling was far away from his sad life, but now, it seemed like it was making things harder for him inside the bank walls.