The One Who Lead

Before Rafael arrive

A new, powerful type of infector arrive instantly, infecting whole squads in seconds. The soldiers, caught off guard by this sudden attack, felt helpless against this unexpected danger.

In the chaos and confusion, Colonel Ramirez saw his comrades die right in front of him, their lives gone in a moment. The burden of their sacrifice weighed heavily on him, making him even more determined to find a solution, whatever it took.

As time passed, Colonel Ramirez understood that time was running short. The camp was close to being taken over, and the soldiers were losing hope. In this crucial moment, the Colonel made a decision that would shape the outcome.

Bringing the remaining soldiers together, Colonel Ramirez spoke to them with a mix of sadness and strong determination. "My brave comrades, we stand on the precipice of defeat, but we will not go down without a fight. Our fallen brothers have paid the ultimate price, and it is our duty to honor their sacrifice. We cannot allow their deaths to be in vain."

The soldiers, their faces etched with grief and determination, listened intently to their leader's words. The weight of their fallen comrades hung heavy in the air, a haunting reminder of the stakes they faced.

"We are faced with an enemy unlike anything we have encountered before," the Colonel continued. "The new variant of infector has proven itself to be relentless and unstoppable. It is clear that our current methods are insufficient."

As the soldiers exchanged anxious glances, Colonel Ramirez's gaze hardened. He knew what needed to be done, despite the undeniable heaviness of his decision.

"There is only one way to stop this new variant," he declared, his voice steady and resolute. "We must find a way to eliminate it at its source, and I am willing to sacrifice everything to ensure our survival."

The soldiers felt a combination of surprise and sorrow as they took in the impact of their leader's words. Knowing that their beloved Colonel was ready to sacrifice his own life for their safety left them feeling deeply thankful yet sad.

"But Colonel..." one soldier began, her voice trembling with emotion. "We cannot let you do this alone. We must stand together in this crucial moment."

The sentiment of unity resonated among the soldiers, each one driven by the determination to fight alongside their leader, to defend their camp with every ounce of their being.

Colonel Ramirez looked into the eyes of his comrades, a bittersweet smile forming. "Your loyalty and courage touch me, my friends. But we can't risk losing more lives. My choice remains, as it's my responsibility as your leader to safeguard you no matter what."

Reluctantly, the soldiers nodded, their hearts heavy with the weight of sacrifice. They admired their leader's unwavering resolve, even as sorrow pooled in their eyes.

Before the Colonel set out on his selfless mission, he held each soldier's hand, his touch providing reassurance of their connection and common goal.

"Remember," he said, his voice filled with conviction, "even in the darkest of times, our unity and sacrifice will be the light that guides us forward. I trust each and every one of you to carry on our fight, to protect one another as I have protected you."

Tears shimmered in the soldiers' eyes as they saw their leader bravely walk into uncertainty. Even though the sorrow and sacrifice were heavy, they remained together, prepared to do their duty and pay tribute to the fallen.

Getting ready for the upcoming battle, the soldiers held the memory of their lost comrades close to their hearts. The unselfish actions of their leader fueled their determination. Colonel Ramirez had taught them the essence of being a soldier – fighting not just for oneself but for the entire group. With a mix of sadness and strong determination, they promised to keep fighting to safeguard their camp and eliminate the new variant of infector from the world.

In the darkness of the battlefield, they pledged to keep fighting. Their hearts were filled with a strong determination to carry on the legacy left by Colonel Ramirez and to make sure that no more lives would be lost without purpose.

In the midst of the battle with the new infector, a rapid decision unfolded in the soldiers' eyes as the clash began.

Colonel Ramirez took action, diverting the monster's attention by firing his rifle at its body. The action succeeded to attract it, and with unwavering determination, he continued to shoot even as the monster closed in. When the creature reached Colonel Ramirez's position, he resorted to an unconventional tactic grabbing its body to tackle it. Though it may not have seemed glorious, the tackle was successful, bringing both the colonel and the monster to the ground. The soldiers surrounding them paused their shots, cautious not to hit their leader.

Aware that their strength was unmatched, Colonel Ramirez persisted in close combat, firing at the creature's face. Unfortunately, the monster retaliated, one of its hands inflicting a wound on the colonel's abdomen, causing blood to drip. Despite the pain, Colonel Ramirez continued to fight, shouting in anguish as the struggle intensified.

The soldiers, witnessing their leader's sacrifice and determination, stood frozen for a moment, grappling with the dilemma of whether to intervene or honor Colonel Ramirez's selfless act.

Colonel Ramirez kept shooting at the monster's face until he ran out of bullets. With urgency guiding his actions, he attempted to retreat to his initial position to create some space. However, the monster's grip on him was unyielding, twisting his intestines and making escape difficult.

In a crucial moment, sensing the urgency, Colonel Ramirez quickly set off a grenade and put it in the monster's mouth. Despite the intense pain, he kept trying to break free. Just before the grenade exploded, he managed to escape, but the damage inflicted on him was beyond comprehension. The explosion echoed through the battlefield, leaving the soldiers amazed and solemn as they watched their brave leader make a sacrifice.

Colonel Ramirez managed to defeat the monster, but he knew he didn't have much time left because he had lost a lot of blood. His soldiers rushed to help him with first aid, but he stopped them, , saying, "Don't use medical supplies on me, I'm a dead man now. Just give me a few cigarettes if you have any," the colonel requested, catching his breath.

The soldiers quickly searched their vest for a cigarette, and as soon as they found one, they eagerly handed it to him. However, to their dismay, when they extended the cigarette towards the colonel, they discovered that he had already passed away. 

The news of Colonel Ramirez's sacrificial decision reached Major Rodriguez through the chaos of war, and though his face remained impassive, a flicker of concern flashed in his eyes.

Major Rodriguez's soldiers, under his command, waited for instructions. The atmosphere was filled with tension and expectation, but Major Rodriguez stayed calm and collected.

"Soldiers!" he shouted, his voice rising above the chaos of the battle. "Hold your ground and stay alert. We have a responsibility to fulfill. We must stay determined and not falter."

The soldiers, trained to follow orders without question, straightened up and prepared for the continuing battle. Major Rodriguez's firm manner and strong voice provided comfort in the midst of the battlefield's uncertainty.

However, Major Rodriguez was dealing with an internal struggle. Despite the hostility in his relationship with Colonel Ramirez because of their fight last time, there was always a feeling of loyalty and respect. He felt the urge to find out what happened to the colonel, tempting him to leave his position and seek answers. But his duty as a leader kept him in place, determined not to give in to personal curiosity.