Chapter 71 : Charm Class And Wandless Magic 2

Orion begrudgingly took out his fake wand and made an ugly face. He wasn't worried a bit about Accio or Levitation's charm. That spell can be done by simple use or force. The finding aspect of Accio can also be done with Force with a little change in his intent.

But the Illuminating charm was different. Force can't produce light, or maybe it can but he hasn't learned it yet. 

With that said Orion thought to just keep that one for last. So he just waved his hand slowly and the feather in front of him started floating. 'Yup force is much better than any levitation charm,' Orion was glad that he learned Force.

"Bravo Mr Ambrosius. Looked everyone, Mr Ambrosius did it and that too without any wand movement and spellless casting," Flitwick who was giving Orion special attention, thanks to his feat in potion's class, was surprised and said, attracting everyone's attention.

Orion just cursed under his breath after realizing that he was so used to force by now that he completely forgot to even say the spell to act in front of others. He looked around and noticed that the noise had subsided while every eyeball was looking at him.

But poor Orion now once again was the centre of attention, getting curious and some extent jealous glances from many of his peers, even Hermione.

"Once again Mr Ambrosius, please show the class how you make the feather float without spell or wand movements," Flitwick requested but it almost sounded like a demand to Orion.

Sighing, he just accepted that the cat was out of the bag already in Potion's class, it was only time that people realized what he could do. So he again begrudgingly hovered his fake wand above the feather and with just one swing of the wooden stick, which was completely unnecessary by the way, the feather started floating.

But this time, Flitwick caught much more details than earlier when he was just excited about what his student did, he too was a master in charms and a champion in duelling. He instantly caught on to the excellent control Orion had on the feather, there was no stability issue or it felt like the charm was weak.

In most cases, when someone uses a floating charm, it feels like someone has attached a string to the feather and made it float using those strings. The connection with kept the feather floating looked weak and most of the time that is the case.

But not in Orion's case, it was powerful like it was not an invisible string which was making it float but rather a strong invisible hand. With complete control over its direction, angle and velocity.

"Marvelous Mr Ambrosius, simply marvellous. Let me tell you that even adults can't show this degree of control without using wand movement and spells."

"5 points to Gryffindor," Flitwick announced.

"Thank you, Professor Flitwick," Orion said humbly, wanting to end the conversation so Flitwick go away but that wasn't the case, although the conversation ended the short professor was still standing in front of him, eagerly waiting for his next spell.

Muttering something about the persistent professor, Orion moves his focus to the second thing at hand. 

"Accio," this time he remembered to say the spell. Everyone saw a candy which Flitwick put on his table, saying to the students that they could have but the only condition is to use Accio, launch itself from the table and fly towards Orion.

Again Flawless performance, and Flitwick also nodded. But then came the last part.

The Illumination spell. This was outside the jurisdiction of Force.

[Remember what I teach you, a wand is just a tool. Even spells are just tools to convey the message to your magic. As long as the message is conveyed, magic will take place. You have ridiculously powerful intent, just focus on light. At your level of intent, just a thought is enough] Merlin at this time chips in and reminds Orion of the basics of all magic and casting.

'Hmm okay,' Orion calms himself down and closes his eyes, trying to image a light. Like a light bulb or the Sun. Making his intention clear that he wants light. 



"Give me Light," 

And it started to work, his intent was going through the roof, as Flitwick felt the same powerful intent from Orion that he saw last year. But last year, Orion had so little magic that even after all that powerful intent the best he could do was to make a light no stronger than a Firefly.

But today was different, as the mighty intent of Orion was mixed with powerful magic. A dazzling light started to form between his hands, as the magic totally discarded the fake wand and made the centre of Orion's hands its locus.

Flitwick was baffled at the position the light appeared, not on the tip of the wand but rather in the middle of the palm as Orion had both his hands up and the palms were opposite to each other like he was holding a football. Even though one hand still hold the fake wand.

But that amazement was quickly trumped by the light which kept on increasing. Flitwick and the Students inevitably have to close their eyes at the blinding light.

[You might have overdone it there, remember I told you that you need to learn how to handle your intent] Merlin said with a helpless sigh and Orion who just opened his eyes was blinded by his own light.


Surrounded by his friends, Orion then moved towards the last class of the day, Defence Against Dark Arts.

A totally worthless class if Orion has anything to say about it. Not like it is not important but it can only achieve its desired results if DADA professors are not planning on killing the students, oppressing them, are dark lords or werewolves in disguise or are simply incompetent.

Unfortunately or Fortunately, this year Hogwarts got the incompetent one, and Orion shouldn't be happy about it but when he was considering the alternatives. This was still better.

[Honestly, almost all the time those DADA teachers the main source of trouble in the school] Merlin added resonating with Orion's belief.

After his dazzling performance in Charms class, Professor Flitwick cut 1 point from Gryffindor for creating a miniature sun inside the classroom minus the heat while also awarding him 5 points for his excellent use of magic.

Flitwick also invites Orion to his charm club, an honour which only a few people get in Hogwarts, even Hermione isn't invited.

"How did you do it," came two voices at the same time, they were none other than Hermione and Daphne. Both of them were on his trail to find his secret to do wandless magic and that extremely dazzling light.

The fun fact is that Orion can't tell them even if he wants to, because there is no secret to it, he suddenly got the magical lottery of the century and now has as developed magical circuits as Merlin himself, and his raw intent and willpower has sharpen to the extreme thanks to performing integration for many years, where not the reason which he wanted to say.

"I won't explain in detail as that info is reserved for my next book but in a nutshell, you need very powerful intent to pull it off. But there are shortcuts which one can use," Orion said and he wasn't lying.

There are really shortcuts like ancient chants, a series of long magical wording to amplify the intent and output of certain kinds of magic. Merlin has taught him but he never got to use it. Or rather the bastard never let him use it even after teaching him.

[There are no shortcuts to becoming Hokag...*cough * cough * I mean the Wizard King,] Merlin said and I quote.

'I swear I will learn how to block him from my mind and the first thing I'm gonna do is to stop him from consuming more manga and anime,' Orion muttered with determination in his mind.

 "But that doesn't explain anything," Rose whined, apparently she too wanted to know. Her reasoning was different, she wanted to use this while she was living with the Dursleys.

Orion didn't even have to read her mind to her reasoning, he in fact planned to teach this to Rose, If not anyone but still to her. Just a little secret between them. 

"Don't worry, you guys will get the answers soon enough. Just wait until my next book is ...." Orion was saying but then was cut off when someone blocked his path.

This someone was none other than Malfoy and his two little bodyguards. Well, identifying them as little would be a crime considering how they were showing all the positive growths on all the negative sides.

"What you want, Malfoy" Hermione and Rose said at the same time, almost in a threatening voice. While Daphne didn't say anything. She didn't want to get involved unless it was absolutely necessary.

She was also interested to see how Orion would react. This was quickly becoming her favourite pastime.

 "This Guy Again,"

[This Guy Again]

Both Orion and Merlin muttered under their breath and sighed.


So what the public wants to be donw with malfoy. Are we finally ready to give some payback.

Do you want Orion to teach Rose, what you saw. Sounds pretty cool, ins't it.

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