Chapter 218 : Ancient Manor 1

Orion felt like he was back in his initial stages when he was struggling with magic. He was feeling the same kind of frustration right now as both he and Javier went from dungeons to dungeons and abandoned castles but he couldn't find his Dracula. 

Meaning that all the information Javier had about the Vampires was faulty to the booth. All the places they visited in their short time skip of a week turn out abandoned by the Vampires. 

"What in the hell's going on, this is the 12th cave we visited!!

Dude comes up, do you really know about their hide out or just wasting my time." Orion all but shouted as he saw another abandoned cave, beside this they also visited abandoned castles, graveyards, churches and much more. Not even a shadow of those blood eaters was found.

"Sigh, I too am surprised just like you. You also saw clear evidence of Vampires livving almost everywhere we visited not so long ago, but unfortunately, they all are abandoned. 

It's almost like someone much higher up in the food chain orders them to move together." Javier said with exaggeration on his face. He too was in disbelief at how all the secret locations of Vampires were abandoned by them so quickly. 

Even the threat from the British Ministry for attacking Hogwarts shouldn't make them move like this. So the question is why?

Orion hearing this had a dark face, knowing that this was not Javier's fault, he too clearly saw signs of Vampires living in those places not so long ago. Meaning that it's only recently that they move out. 

[I personally don't believe that this was only before they faced threats from the wizards. There is something much bigger happening that we are not aware of.

Something just doesn't look right.] Merlin frowned, he felt that he was missing here, something but just couldn't pinpoint what exactly. 

"It doesn't matter, this is the last place. I can already say it's empty seeing how I can't sense anything but let's check it out anyway, maybe we can find a clue." Orion said to both Merlin and Javier simultaneously as he looked at yet another abandoned place, this time it was a manor. 


Both couldn't help but do that as they moved forward towards the Manor. Orion was just internally laminating to himself. Becuase no matter whether he finds a clue or not, he has to return back to Hogwarts now. He just doesn't have any time left on his hands. 

Today was the last day of vacation. 

'Ahhh why can't this school people give us bigger vacation time? I used to complain about this in the past but now I even have a legit reason for this. 

I have to start a petition to increase this time by an entire month.' Orion shouted inside his mind. 

[Of course, otherwise how a student like you will track down a blood-sucking, race which has survived for millennia, and make them go extinct. Right !] Merlin scoffed with a roll of his eyes. 

Orion on the other hand didn't even have the energy to retort back to the old man. Not only did he reduce the usual bickering with him by a lot nowadays, considering how dangerous of a situation they gonna face in the future, but he was also tired. 

Non-stop both he and Javier, as he practically drags the poor man with him, have travelled around to find where those damn Vampires are. Both are tired. 

As Orion was getting closer to the manor, he suddenly felt a very small fluctuation of magic, it was so minor that anyone else would have not noticed it but Orion's senses were razor-sharp at this point.

He immediately stopped, surprised and stunned at the same time. There were two reasons for this, one being that there shouldn't be any magic here in the first place, is this a Vampire's manner and not a wizard's? So why did he sense magic?

Second and maybe the most important, there was something. After all this time, he finally got a clue. A clue which made him overjoyed. He has wasted so much time and effort to track down vampires and had nothing in his hand.

But finally, at least he has something.

"It's a magic barrier." Orion mutters slowly, Javier on the side didn't notice, the man at this point was running on pure fumes, he would have long have ran away if Orion hadn't paid good money for this service. So he would act like he didn't hear anything even after if he really did at this point.

But the person who Orion really was talking about did hear and nodded. Merlin can't sense the magic with so much accuracy, this was due to him being just a memory and second, he was indeed at this point was not as good as Orion when considered in terms of magical sense. 

 Even in his prime, Merlin might be only a little better or equal to his student here. 

Merlin just nodded and Orion disregarding both him and Javier started to search for this magic. 

It took some time but he realized that the Manor was enchanted by magic. Though the magic itself was very weak, as it was very old. Not having knowledge about that ancient magic, Orion falls back to Merlin who after much testing of his own denotes that it's almost a thousand years old magic, even making someone like him surprised. 

"I am sure that the answers I was looking for are here. I can hope to get some answers at least." Orion said as he finally entered from the entrance after he decoded the barrier with the help of Merlin. 

[Ah hmm. I too am feeling some.... it's hard to say...something familiar about this

Familiar and bad] Merlin looked at the Manor and had a contemplative face. Like thinking about what he was missing here. 

"Javier, you stay here. It could be dangerous inside. If you wish then you can go back now. 

Here by the way." Orion said as he threw the bag full of gold coins to the man. Stating that he was no longer needed. 


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