Chapter 248 : Gathering Of Kings

Murphy's law states that if something can go wrong, it definitely will go wrong. Orion suddenly remembers these particular wise words after seeing three troublesome characters sitting across him. 

Artoria Pendragon, the King of Knights. 

Gilgamesh the king of Heroes. 

And lastly.

Iskandar the king of Conquerors. 

This was happening in his room. Why he had no idea but one after another characters just came here. 

Only later he realized that finding his location through magic is almost impossible, but that is not the case with a little bit of real-world investigation. Like calling the hotel he was staying in and asking the staff. 

"It's praiseworthy that his place even was hidden from me. You have done excellent work hiding this place mage." Gilgamesh said as he remembered how not only he wasn't able to find this place but he couldn't even enter this room by teleporting. He too has to knock on the door like any ordinary person for Orion to let him enter. 

"Well, I am glad that you like it. The wizard layer has to be protected with magic. Otherwise, what is the point of learning so much magic all our life." Orion just shrugged. 

"It's magecraft, not magic." Waver corrected. 

Orion honestly doesn't understand why people here are so obsessed with drawing a distinguishing line between Magecraft and Magic.

To him, both are pretty much the same. Though he himself is not Percy to what makes them different they at least look similar to him. 

"Yeah yeah, you understand what I meant didn't you? That's enough." Orion just waved his hand and then snapped his fingers. And immediately the room started to change under everyone's eyes. 

Knowing that there will be some talking and drinking, Orion just ready the place. 

The two Sofa on the side started to change shape as the entire floor moved to place them at the centre, while they themself started to stretch in length and started to form a curve so everyone could sit on it. 

The small dining table at the side also floated and enlarged to turn into and low-height drinking table as it got placed right in the middle of the setup and round sofa. 

And then a multitude of drinks appear on top of that table.

This was not just any drink either, it was another product Orion was working on to bring to the market. This way better than any drink available in his world currently, and miles better than anything currently available in the wizarding world.

"Oh, that certainly a good skill to have." Rider seeing the drinks and sitting place, said with a little joy on his face. 

"What, how did you do that? You didn't even put any magical circle or chant any spell." Weaver asked in disbelief. 

"I have to say, you are certainly not like those other mongrels. You at least have the decency to treat this king like he is supposed to treated." Gilgamesh was just like his usual self. 

"Yeah yeah, just sit, get whatever you want to drink. From Milkshakes to drinks that are out of this world, I got everything.

Knock yourself out." Orion said as he himself took a can of chocolate milk and tossed one to the weaver before sitting on the Sofa. 

Seeing this, others also quickly sat down in a circle.




The talk was much like how it went in the anime. It was pretty much about kingship and the ideal of being a king. 

The people participating in this talk were mostly kings. But soon the talk turned to Orion.

"Mage, what is this drink? I have never drunk something like this before." Gilgamesh asked as he slowly savoured the flavour in his mouth.

"Yes indeed, this drink is not like anything I had back in my journey of conquest," Rider added.

Saber remained calm but it was clear that she too enjoyed it. 

"Mage, give me some bottle of this drinks and I will forget your insolence of sitting as an equal in this gathering of kings," Gilgamesh said with a smirk. 

Orion just wanted to roll his eyes but he stopped before doing that and just said nonchalantly. 

"No can do. This is an experimental project, this is the only few bottles I made for others to taste. Soon though I will be releasing this in the market so yeah, I will happily provide you some then.

But if you wish any now. Well besides the formulae itself, I can't give you anything." Orion remains calm. 

Inside this house, he wasn't even afraid of Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes but upon not seeing Orion lying he dropped the matter. And it wasn't like Orion was lying either. He told the truth. 

"And what about not being a king? I will let you know that I am the future king of Wizards." Orion just had to say that. Otherwise, he just couldn't have sat still for long. 

"Of, king of mages huh? That is some ambition. Boy, you should learn something from him." Rider said as he pointed at this master. 

Waver didn't care about that, he only looked at Orion with disbelief. 

"King of Mages, do you even understand what that is supposed to mean? For that, you have to reach the roots. 

Gain True Magic. 

Don't joke about something like that, if you were in the clock tower and had said this, you surely would have been punished." Weaver said. 

"Yeah yeah, let me tell you something brother. 

You can get the bookish knowledge from that place or a school of any kind of not the real learning. 

Don't listen to people who couldn't achieve something on their own and expect the same from you. " Orion just huffed still kind of grumpy about his name and the mystery he just found out behind it. 

"It's strange seeing a child like you so mature," Saber said at this time. Though no one was bringing this topic up until now they all knew it. 

Orion right now was even younger than Waver Velvet. 

"Don't call me a child." Orion immediately chided. 

"Yes, a man who can kill not one but two pairs of Masters and servants is no mere child," Gilgamesh said. 

"Say mage, were you the one kill Kirei Kotomine ?" Gilgamesh asked and this brought a silence in the room. 

"Yes." Orion just nodded. 

"I see," Gilgamesh said and then just returned back to his drink. Said nothing more. 

"Impressive. Say, what you say about joining my ranks and conquering this world with me." Rider flexes his muscles as he grins at Orion while extending the offer. 

This made both Waver and even Orion almost facepalm.

"Hmm. No thanks, I am good just like this." Orion reply. 

"Say Mage, you currently don't have any Heroic spirit in contact do you ?" Gilgamesh asked as he saw the faded command seal on Orion's hand. 

Indicating that though he is a master currently he has no Heroic spirit under his command. 

"No, I don't. Couldn't find any. It was just not enough time to get my hands on an artefact. Wasn't planning on involving in all this fight in the first place but this thing here in my hand is preventing me from going back home." Orion said as he raised his hand. 

This suddenly sparked a curiosity inside Gilgamesh but he didn't say anything. This wasn't the time. 


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