"I love Anna no matter what she does and I believe everyone Is aware of that." He started to see the smile on the Sui families faces except of cause that of Anna. She stared at him with pure hate which he didn't mind, but he just wished she hadn't found out about their plans things would have been better. They would have been married today.

"The Marraige will still continue, I only came here to let you all know what Anna has been doing and what she did last night." Mack stated and Anna scoffed silently.

Though she's agreed to remain silent, she couldn't take it anymore. She won't watch her family get humiliated by the Yong's. She has had enough.

She couldn't believe Mack will shamelessly want her to still be his wife after everything she's heard. To think she used to love this man and now all she feels for him is hate.

How easily love can turn into hate.

"Keep your marriage I don't need it." Anna stated shocking her family members including the Yong family.

"What an ungrateful brat." Veronica stated.

"I'm calling off our marriage before your family and mine Mr Mack Yong. From today onwards, we're officially over." She siad coldly.

After finding out Mack never loved her in the first place and his lies to her parent just now, she didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore.

"You're making a huge mistake Anna." Mack said.

"What are you doing Anna? You should be grateful Mack has agreed to be married to you. Father what are you saying? Grace turned to general Sui who sat quietly on his sit. She frowned, he's the cause of Anna's stubbornness. If he hadn't pampared her since a child, she wouldn't be this way.

When Anna thought of being a celebrity, Grace had opposed against it but their grandfather agreed instantly just like he has agreed to all of her stupid decisions.

Anna said nothing to her aunt and started walking away, "If you leave through that door Anna, just know you're no longer a member of this family. I've had enough of your foolishness." General Sui suddenly said for Anna to pause, she clenched her hands into a fist and then walked away.

One day her family will know she's doing all of these to protect them. Mack is not who he pretends to be, she couldn't tell them cause they will not believe her words.

"Alfred lock all of her accounts, she's no longer allowed to touch a dime from it until she's married to Mack." General Sui declared.

"Marion book a nice hotel room for me and send me the location quickly." Anna hung up after speaking to her secretary. She needed a place to stay for the night and clear her head, she'll continue with her plans of revenge tomorrow.

Everything that had happened was still too much for her to take. Finding out her fiance was cheating on her with an enemy. Never once did Mack love her. He was a lie. Everything he said was a lie. As if the day couldn't have taken a more drastic turn, she had woken up on the bed of another man today.

Her chest felt so heavy that she was unable to breathe and she needed to let it all out. Anna took a deep breath, blinking the tears that threatened to fall out back in when her phone suddenly rang, it was her secretary, "Marion?"

"Miss Sui I'm afraid I can't get any rooms for you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Your grandfather has locked all of your accounts and has summited your name to every hotel in the city never to rent a room to you. I'm afraid you've been blackballed by your family miss." Anna felt her heart drop, she couldn't believe it.

Why would her grandfather lock her accounts, she had all of her savings in those accounts.

"I'll call you back." She hung up on Marion and parked her car on the road side thinking of what next to do.

"Oh Janjan." She exclaimed dialing her best friends number.


"Anna I'm sorry but your grandfather called my father earlier. He told father that if you're allowed into any of the Shen's family house he will cut all ties with us. I'm sorry Anna." Jennie sounded apologetic.

"It's alright Janjan I understand."

"What happened? How did he find out about it?" Jannie asked.

"Mack told him."

"Mack knew?" Anna said nothing to her.

"Don't you think it's time to go back home and settle things with Mack? He still loves you even after last night and is still willing to marry you." Anna hadn't told Jannie about Mack cheating on her with Nari, if she had she knew her best friend wouldn't be giving her this kind of advice.

"Okay." She responded and hung up. She sighed. Just when she thought today couldn't have gotten any worse, here she is being blackballed by her own family.

She didn't want to cry, she wasn't a child anymore. She's a grown woman now and had to take responsibility for herself. The last thing she would do is get married to Mack.

Now that general Sui has locked all of her accounts, Anna knew she had no money anymore. She couldn't even think of getting a job now, there's no way people won't recognize her and spit on her.

She bit her lips thinking of a way out. Since her downfall, all of her friends left and wouldn't talk to her anymore. "Golddiggers." She muttered.

She had no one to call or ask for help and her family are aware of this, that's why they were doing this.


Anna cursed her rumbling stomach inwardly. There's only one things she could do now and that's getting married to the stranger she had met. It'll only be for a short time. Besides, he's the only option she has now.

She could give him a deal of one year, that's all the time she needs to deal with Mack and Nari for betraying her and using her. It's all the time she needs to get her life back.

She quickly checked for the card he gave her which Jannie had placed in her purse and dialed his number.

"I didn't think you would call this soon." A deep voice rang from the other side.

"I'll marry you." Anna said immediately and then there was an uneasy silence that followed. A second passed and then 2 seconds. 10 seconds, 15,20,30...

"Then meet me at the bureau office in an hour." He hung up.

Anna could feel her heart raising so fast at the thought of seeing him again. He had barely let her go this morning after forcing her to let him take responsibility for her and now she has finally agreed on marrying him.

She didn't know if this was a good idea, but anything was better than being married to Mack.